Experiment 1257 was supposed to be the most successful experiment preformed on the test subjects. It wasn't as successful as we were informed it would be. In fact, it was probably the most unsuccessful ad atrocious experiments ever preformed. When the government asked us to help, tons of civilians applied. They interviewed each one and narrowed it down to ten people.
Most people these days are quite desperate for money. The government keeps the majority of the money and gives it out when needed. The paycheck for every person is ten dollars a week. People live in Apartments. Everyone must work, and each worker signs a two year cpntract. Money is taken from each paycheck so they can live there. Money for food is also taken out, and the government gives each person the same amount. After money is taken out each worker is left with just ten dollars.
Electronics such as TV, videogames, and cell phones are not allowed. If someone wishes to use these they must pay a fee suits to g wearve hundred dollars each year. Since the majority of people cannot afford that, electronics are rarely used.
When I got the news that I would be one of the experiment helpers I was ecstatic. They would be paying each helper three thousand dollars. I thought it would really help me out so I agreed to do it.
The experiment seemed simple enough. The government wanted to see if it was possible for people to survive, thrive, and succeed while living under a glass dome. They told us that everyone agreed and signed a contract to be a part of it, just as we had done.
We had to observe them. The only way this could be possible would be if we secretly entered the dome at times. The test subjects were not allowed near the dome. They didn't even know the dome existed, even though it was in the contract they had signed.
In the experiment life was almost the same as it was before. A special train would come around the front of the Apartments. They had to wear hazmat suits to go out of their homes. They would board the trains and go to their job. The trains do not go near the dome walls.
We thought people would go insane living like this, but their lives seemed very calm. Actually they seemed zombified or very dazed. They just walked around, did their jobs, and went home. They worked seven days a week and twelve hours a day. Normally this would be very hard on someone, but none of them had any problem with it.
There was little to no communication done by any of the test subjects. It was a very boring experiment, but we did it for the pay. Actually half of the test subjects were very lively and enjoyed being there. Then after a year or so thry started acted like the other half and would not talk at all. I thought it was depression or sonething. I wish I could have seen what was really going on. I really do.
Before the experiment all of the test subjects had to have vaccinations. Apparently half of them were given some medication to prepare them as well. They were told it was to prevent infection from the vaccines. This medication made them fall asleep, they had no idea. Then a tiny microchip was implanted into their heads. The scientists that were in charge of the experiment could control all of their thoughts and actions. Then halfway through they decided to switch it up. They took out the microchips from the first group, and placed microchips in the second. The first group did not change back, and the scientists thought it would take awhile. When the experiment was over they still hadn't returned to normal, so the scientists decided to let it go.
We found all of this out three years after the experiment had ended, and neither group had returned. I was appalled that they could just manipulate people as if they were items meant to be thrown around. The test subjects could no longer be controlled, but now they cannot do a single thing. They are in a vegetative state, and they had no idea that this would ever happen as the microchip section was left out of the contract. No one is doing a thing to help. The scientists have been instructed by the government to leave the dome alone. From above it probably looks like a snow globe. A snow globe filled with the crushed dreams of a thousand souls.