Go to a chatroom and favorite the page. Click 'Edit' on the DSi Start Page. If you're using a 3DS this will not work as hex codes don't work on the 3DS.
Once you have clicked 'Edit', click the Favorite you're using. Change the name of the Favorite. It is very helpful to put what the color is in the name so you do not get confused.
Delete the URL and type:
Java Script:var currentcolor="000"
Delete the space between Java and Script and do not forget the quotations around the hex code.
How Hex Code Colors Work:
1. Each code has 3 digits. They can be a combo of letters and numbers.
2. The first part = how much red is in the color
The second part = how much green is in the color
The third part = how much blue is in the color
For example, F40 = slightly dark orange.
Numbers and Letters to Choose From:
Pretty much you can chose numbers 0-9, the basic numbers.
The only letters that you can choose are A, B, C, D, E, or F. Make sure they're capitals.
Try messing around with different combos!
If you have trouble finding the color you want by trial and error then use this link:
To use it simply locate a color on the grid then slide all the way to the left to get the numbers or letters for the red and the green, then go straight up to get the blue. Plug then into the code in the order you see them (RGB= Red, Green, and Blue). Changing the order could result in a completely different color.
If you have any additional questions, message me!
message me if this doesn't work on your dsi
It works on iOS and other devices too. You just have to find out how to save and edit the bookmark. I have not found an android browser that it works on yet, and I've tried about five. If you get it to work on android comment which android device and what browser so I can add it in.
You can do android by typing the code into the current URL you have open for chat rather than a bookmark, but you may need to redo it if you refresh. You can thank Icawus for this. He's cool.
30 Jul 2014 15:58
In reply to Monstercat
Nope. I had this originally as a drafted blog so I could message people who wanted to know how to do it properly. Apparently it makes more sense to people this way.