I am in love. Fantasy Life is so awesome. I, along with many others, have been waiting since 2012 for this and now it's finally out!
On October 24 it was released in the USA which is, surprisingly, almost a month after Europe and Australia. While looking through the sales rack at GameStop, I noticed it and picked it up. I hadn't even realized it had been released. I was overjoyed and decided to purchase it instead of Super Smash Bros. I couldn't have made a better decision.
This game is simply amazing. You start out by designing your character. You can create a very unique character to play as. You can even customize the body type so no character will be quite the same!
After you've created and named your character you choose a Life. A Life is the class or job you'll be doing, and you can change your Life later on if you want. You can choose from Paladin, Mercenary, Hunter, Wizard, Miner, Woodcutter, Angler, Cook, Blacksmith, Carpenter, Tailor, and Alchemist. I've chosen Paladin.
You'll start out as a Novice in your selected guild and throughout your adventure you will level up to Fledgling, Apprentice, Adept, Expert, Master, Hero, Legend, and eventually God. In order to level up you'll need to fulfill all kinds of requests some will get you Dish, the currency used. Some requests will get you Bliss, which allows you to unlock aspects such as the ability to have a pet or the ability to ride a horse. Some special requests are required by your guild leader. When you complete those you can level up.
In the beginning of your journey you befriend a very helpful talking butterfly. She will do Bliss checks and will reward Bliss bonuses. You get Bliss from fulfilling special requests called Butterfly's requests. You cannot proceed with the storyline unless you complete those, and they can be very helpful to your understanding of the game.
So far the gameplay has been challenging, fun, and funny. As a Paladin your job is to rid the land of monsters and bandits. There are a lot of robbers who need to be taken care of so the other villagers will be safe. You can kill various monsters, but some are very large. The large ones turn into a box that follows you around. The first time this happen I legitimately said "WAT DA HELL IS DIS?!" because it just started following me, but that thing is a bounty box and you can get Dosh by taking it to the guild office.
If you need help with harder villains you can use multiplayer for up to three players. I haven't tried it out yet because I do not know anyone with the game. (If you have it let me know)
Some of the villains include bears, ghosts, bandits, snakes, and carrots. Yep. Carrots are bad for you now.
Oh and don't hit the Napdragon or you will die, but that's like most of us on a Monday so you probably understand.
Play Fantasy Life to have an awesome experience that is kind of a cross between The Legend of Zelda, Animal Crossing, and traditional RPG. It is definitely a game you'll want to play. I give it an 8/10.
I know people are probably more drawn in by the combat classes, but to me it feels like the crafting classes have more to offer since you can do the fighting in any class anyway.
This game was amazing! It just so happens i beat the main story today, and now im EXP grinding to lv 50 so i can do the DLC story! ^^ Nice review +1
05 Nov 2014 17:59
In reply to epic justin
How long did it take to beat the storyline?
epic justin
05 Nov 2014 19:21
In reply to atreyufan1500
It took me a good twelve hours, but thats because me and my friend played multiplayer first, so when i started, i already was level twenty-nine. But overall, the story is kinda slow, especially when you need to do the butterfly request mission's to advance the story.
05 Nov 2014 23:53
In reply to epic justin
Yup. I love the carrottys though
epic justin
06 Nov 2014 00:54
In reply to atreyufan1500
Still playing it, was going to finish it before reviewing. Mercenary Adept, Cook Adept, Miner Adept, and Fisherman Adept. Around Level 20-ish, want to level up more jobs before I actually progress the story further.