There was once a star. She lived in the night sky of the SDK Paint. She was funny and liked to dance, but she was a bad little star that had weird dreams. She would tell a fan of a band about them.
She liked a kangaroo called Joey. He was a baby kangaroo who liked to dance and hop in Australia. He moved to England. He is cool and can play violin or cello. He likes to be silly or goofy.
The star and the joey are bestest friends. Once the star dreamt that the fan of tossed joey into a spikey beach ball. This beach ball made him banned. This actually happened before by accident but the fan fixed everything. She didn't let her friend fall into the beach ball after all.
Another time the star dreamt the fan wrote a blog. This blog was a bad blog that had no no's in it, but the fan didn't want to. The star wanted the blog very badly because she wanted the dream to come true. The fan did not do it because a hammer would hit her in the faces and no, that is bad. The fan does not wants. No no no. BAD.
One day the fan played a game. It was the truth or dare. First someone dared her to lick her screen. So she did. You have to honor the dare. It was better then cutting her own foot off. Her right hand dared her to do that, but her right hand it evil. Bad.
Then the star said she should write that blog, but guess what?! She didn't make the fan wrote it about the stuff in the dream, so here is that blog. And the fan wins.