The membership area should be ready this weekend to preview amongst this community. We (HullBreach Studios) would like feedback once everything is live. Your accounts in this community will work on that website.
The website will not be as broad of a gamer social networking community as we have here; expect it to be more like Hatena had for Flip Note Studio on the Nintendo DSi, where everything will center around the art.
The website has been tested on the New Nintendo 3DS, the Wii U, and various mobile and desktop platforms, and it works fine with the appearance and the SSL encryption. The Nintendo 3DS cannot support modern SSL encryption, so there will be a standard HTTP option (kind of like this community). The floating navigation bar is also not displaying properly on that browser, so some work has to be done to tweak it. Both the N3DS and the New N3DS support upconverting of the layered artwork to 3D.
Artwork sharing will go live first with v2.2 of SDK Paint for the iPad (hopefully next week) and will follow with SDK Paint v4.0 on the Wii U in a few months. It may be followed with an iPhone 6/6s Plus variant in the future, as well.
A blog will follow up this one with a list of specific features to beta test.