The domain name is coming up for renewal, and I am considering just letting it expire. We are nearly 2 generations of home consoles past the Wii, so that website (including TWiiter) gets almost no traffic. The people that do visit it do so from computers for the larger screen size - which is slowly coming to the rest of the community, anyways.
Would anyone be very heartbroken if I just let that website expire and focus on the other aspects of the community, instead?
I'm fine with letting the domain name go. I just have one question. What's going to happen to some of the features exclusive to that domain name (the 3D Mesh and the Wii games)?
09 Jan 2017 00:51
In reply to Star Shadow
Some of the Wii games can be migrated to the rest of the community. I don't know if anyone even uses the Mesh Gallery anymore, but that could be migrated, too.
It's sad that DSOperaSDK is gone, too. However I'd suggest leaving it if you can afford it as there are still news articles and similar referring to
Seeing as though 3DSPaint has been optimized for PC and mobile usage, it would be a better idea just to use 3DSPaint, the superior version of the site. Then maybe, people can end the debate to call it "SDK" or "Paint," lul