to see the aura (for beginers, i will have the experts guide out shortly).
step 1: go somewhere with a friend (just one friend) and go somewhere that is completely white (I reccomend a raccuet ball room or a white wall bathroom).
step 2: sit your friend in a chair
step 3: tell your friend to clear thier mind
step 4: stare at the third eye (located 1.5 cinameters above the nose) for 30 seconds.
step 5: after 30 seconds are over, look around with your phriphal vision for 2 seconds
step 6: continue staring at the third eye for 30 more seconds (everything should start to fade black at about 20 seconds)
step 7: after the 30 seconds are over slowly close your eyes
step 8: while your eyes are closed you should see an image of the person/object that you were watching only the image should be bigger by about an inch.
step 9: look at the colors closely and write a comment on what colors you saw. Hope this helped!