a true freind is someone you can trust. they'll be with you for as long as your a live, you may get in fights and never want to talk to them again! but, really, inside your regretting every insult you said....
a true freind never tells your secrets. they keep your secrets close and never tell anyone even though you might tell theres.....
a true freind is allways there for you.in the up's and down's your freind is there, right by your side saying "it'll be ok" just like a real freind would...
a real freind like's you for YOU!....
a real freind will allways forgive you even though you dont forgive them...
yes, freinds make mistacts, but, remember, all thoes times your freind has been there for you?! now is your chance to be there for them...
I love all my close and semi close freinds! I want to try to be the best freind i can....i know i make mistacts, but, as a freind, please stay with me and forgive me....
thank you for veiwing! 