I was just scrolling my past emails as one does, and then I found this absolute nightmare that I wrote in 6th grade. Apparently at the time I kept getting bullied and I had enough so I emailed the counselor and wrote this:
if youre a student dont read this because it's pretty boring. im trying to tell the counselor this.
what to do if everyone dislikes you in particular even though you did nothing wrong to upset anybody and is just trying to be nice when youre already go through enough stuff everyday but the people are to stubborn and have a too thick of a skull not to realise that youre just trying to survive and to be a decent human being and not know that im just trying to be nice and not an op and the last thing you need is to be botherd or provoked because SOME PEOPLE DONT KNOW WHATS ITS LIKE TO DEAL WITH THIS EVERYDAY AND SOME PEOPLE AE TO DUMB AND HAVE A TOO THICK OF A SKULL, NOT TO THINK THAT: "hey maybe hes just trying to make some friends" or "hey maybe i should give him a chance" or "hey maybe i shouldnt be such an entitled brat so that i dont realsie that he doesnt want to fight, or be irratateted or be in a fight or that i think that HE IS NOT FUNNY HE HAS NO PURPOSE AND I HATE HIM FOR NO RESON AT ALL SO I SHOULD BE RACIST AND PULL OUT THE MIDDLE FINGER CALL HIM NAMES AND TRY TO TEST HIM AND MAKE HIM SEEM LIKE HIS DOING SOMETHING WRONG AND ALWAYS MAKE HIM THE ODD ONE OUT BECAUSE HES HERE!". What do I do in a situation like this?
To be fair, my school is the lowest rated school in the district in the 48th state of education.