Well, IK I had promised y'all that I'd do this last month (sorry about that), but I'm FINALLY holding the first ever admin election here on Paint.
Now, here is how the election process is going to work:
1. People will vote in the comments of the election blog (this blog) by stating who they would think would be a good pick for any of the admin positions that an election is currently being held for.
2. The voting process will use a form of ranked-choice voting, in which each person chooses 3 different candidates (excluding themselves) for any of the different admin positions, in the following format:
1. Candidate A
2. Candidate B
3. Candidate C
Candidate A will receive 3 points, Candidate B will receive 2 points, and Candidate C will receive 1 point.
3. Each vote must be accompanied by an explanation as to why the person voting feels that the candidate in question would be a good pick for that position. For a blogmin candidate, for example, you might mention well-written featured blogs that the person has posted. For a helpmin candidate, you might point out instances in which the candidate has helped community members out on the site. For a groupmin candidate, this might be pointing out how active the candidate is in groups, as well as any large, well-managed groups the candidate has.
4. All candidates must be known community members—no random people who just happened to join the website a week ago, and who very well may be the alt of a permabanned member or something.
5. All campaigning will be conducted outside of this blog. This blog is solely for the voting process itself, and if you would like to promote yourself as a candidate for a specific admin position, you may do so in your own blogs, groups, on your profile, etc.
(Just not here.)
6. The election will only be concluded when a clear winner has been chosen, rather than any specific time deadline.
(IK better than to do time deadlines after my recent experiences with the SDK Quilts, lol!)
7. This goes without saying, but because Paint is (at its core) still a dictatorship, the admin team reserves the right to refuse to promote anyone who has been elected by the community.
(Don't worry, I won't let them abuse this, though.)Anyway, the admin positions which y'all will be voting on this election will be:
1. Blogmin/Pollmin
Responsible for featuring, rejecting, or (in extreme cases) deleting blogs based upon the blog guidelines. Comes with free pollmin powers, since the 2 jobs are incredibly similar.
2. Helpmin
Manages Help Desk submissions. If people report bugs, ask questions about how things on the site work, or request new features and stuff, you will be responsible for addressing the community members who do so.
3. Groupmin
Responsible for policing groups. Being very active in groups is an essential requirement for this job, as are being mature, responsible, and exercising good judgement.
4. Terminator
Responsible for terminating or “permabanning” members who are no longer welcome here on Paint due to serious or repeated violations of the terms of membership here. Terminators are also responsible for approving or rejecting the accounts of new members trying to join the site.
(Which is the primary reason why it was included in this election, BTW.)
This round of admin elections have officially concluded. I'd like to thank all community members who participated in them, especially those who voted for our 3 new admins @JinxCade@GalacticGam3r37 and @Kashbanooka
Kashbanooka is a skilled writer, and I believe he would excel as a Blogmin. He has the ability to identify and correct mistakes. Additionally, he seems like the type of person who would provide clear explanations if he were to reject or unfeature a blog. In my opinion, he is responsible and trustworthy, making him an excellent choice for the role of Blogmin.
I don't really have any more votes since jinx and gal were my choices lol
Based upon the election results thus far, it's quite obvious that @JinxCade and @GalacticGam3r37 are good choices for Helpmin+Terminator and Blogmim+Pollmin respectively, so I went ahead and gave them those powers.
Votes for all other candidates to fill these and other positions listed in this blog here will continue though, as there is no set limit on the number of appointments to fill any of these positions.
He is incredibly good at coding and is always ready to help out this website with its bugs and fixes and he wants to improve this website more which I bet he will be able to do if he was helpmin. He has already began figuring out how to fix the friend requests and I believe he can do more and he can make this website better.
Kash is one of the best writers in paint and I’ve been inspired by him in many ways, he is incredibly good at writing snd I believe he will be awesome when he gives writing advices before featuring someone’s blog, plus he is also quite active on paint.
3. @BenTen for blogmin
He seems like the type of person to follow the rules no matter how silly he gets. He has made great blogs with kashbannoka and I believe, if possible, both of them were blogmins, it would be really cool and fun.
11 Feb 2025 01:45
In reply to GalacticGam3r37
"He is also quite active on paint" *Goes missing bc I lost my 2ds*
My admin vote was tight, and i had a hard time deciding but heres my picks:
1. GalacticGam3r37 (blogmin)
She has made several blogs, made a active group that is still being used at this moment, and has not broken any rules, she is also a very liked member on paint.
2. Kashbanooka (blogmin)
He is a member who can be funny, does interesting things and overall seems like a good pick, and generally stays within the guidelines.
3. BenTen (blogmin)
He is generally a good member who is upstanding and listens to rules, i think he'd be a good pick.
People who were close to being my picks, but couldn't (sorry!):
Jax_xd, ccool9
I once again removed comments that were offtopic, trolling from now on out, an comment must be a vote, with a similar format to my below comment. Serious votes please, give a valid reason why each person you vote for should be given admin. Thank you. Voting begins now