(Apologies for the timing; I have been extremely busy these past few days, and I have just now found the time to squeeze out this blog for all of you.)
There's this interesting statistic that I stumbled upon: total lost productivity. It wouldn't be hard to say that we collectively lost somewhere close to a four- or five-digit sum on this site, but in exchange, we have this community.
And the worth of this community? Priceless.
The population on this site seems to ebb and flow with the seasons, which is somewhat interesting and humorous at the same time. The main demographic of the site is usually occupied with studies for most of their time, so it's reasonable that some will come and go.
However, it's those gems that stick around that shine the brightest. Even through the seasons and the nitpicky dynamics of such a small community.
But those are just two of the outstanding community. There's more of you out there than I can count (I'm sure), but I haven't forgotten any of you.
Thank you all, seriously, for keeping this little corner of the Internet alive.
You may have noticed that I have been quite distant from this site for the last month. However, my circumstances have changed. I still might not log in as often, but I'll aim to write a blog every week or so.
Stay tuned, and as always, I hope to see you all here, for years to come.
Great blog, and once again, thanks for the shoutout! (And of course, for YOUR great friendship, as well!)
I really do hope that I'm able to spend more time online at the same time as you, as you are one of my favorite people (if not my favorite person) on here to talk to!
17 Dec 2021 04:06
In reply to Draconid_Jo
Haha, thanks! It seems less and less likely given how darn busy I am, but we'll see. Keep your hopes up!
19 Dec 2021 08:22
In reply to GuiedGui