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Remember me:
Too far
@Star Shadow
POSTED: 20 Sep 2022 10:16
CATEGORY: Poetry and Lyrics
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This is a Haiku.
Our once great friendship
Have soured by terrible jokes
Twice it went too far
My feelings were hurt
You refused to understand
I was so upset
I asked you to stop
But you continued to hurt
Get over it you say
I fled your place twice
I wanted your hurt to stop
I burned our bridge twice
I pleaded to friends
But my cries fell on deaf ears
They turned knives on me
Paranoia they told me
See a therapist they said
Five knives in my back
The pain overwhelmed me
I was forced to let them go
I couldn't take anymore
I told them goodbye
But to you, ill-will and malice
I had cussed you out
I want you to know
how hurt I really was,
the damage you caused
You don't seem to care
That is why I cussed you out
Do you get it now?
Meanwhile, I made amends
Not with you but the others
Only two have came back
The one named Eury,
I'm grateful of your concern
They asked about my meds
To my Dearest Moonie,
I am sorry I hurt you
I can't forgive me
But I was not done
I wanted vengeance and malice
I wanted you hurt
I said to Eury
My unholy lust for vengeance
They were disgusted
I lost Eury again
Now I fear of losing Moonie
My vengeance paused for now
As I contemplate,
I began to realize
you were too ingrained
I can't you keep you
from my close circle of friends
without hurting them
I had to make amends
For dear Moonie and the other's sake
I was hurting them
Once again, we made amends
I returned to your domain
All of us damaged
As we lick our wounds,
I wondered: can we stop this?
Can I trust you again?
How your jokes hurt me,
do you truly understand?
Will you learn from this?
Please don't joke too far.
That is all I ask from you.
Please do it for them.
+5 -1
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