The following is an argument that I got into with AaronAstro (AKA Thi500) over on the SDKPaint Community Discord server, during which he said some rather interesting things.
First off, it started with somebody named Cyanide sharing the following joke with everyone, which started a conversation about abortion, LGBTQIA+ rights, and a few other such issues.
[Spoiler=Cyanide's Joke][/Spoiler]
At a certain point in that conversation, I said the following:
A short while later, Aaron crawls out from under his rock and starts hating on Christians, "rednecks", and any other group that he associates with not wanting to kill preborn children, which starts off acompletely one-sided conversation about abortion, during which nobody (except DCTheGamr) ever considers that maybe preborn children deserve to not be murdered.
I'm not going to post their full conversation here since I wasn't a part of it (I was offline at the time), but it's still there on the SDKPaint Community Discord server if anyone wants to read through it all.
When I come back online later, I pick out 3 of the things that were said during my absence to reply to, which triggers the following argument between me and Aaron about abortion.
(The "Deleted User" appearing in the screenshots is DCTheGamr, BTW.)
After the argument is over, Cyanide (who has since changed her username) comes back on, and shares the following with everyone:
I then privately explain to Cyanide (via DM) that conception is when the sperm first fertilizes the egg (rather than birth), and I publicly point out that the numbers that she provided are the same ones that I used for my pro-life blog:
Did Aaron actually believe that guns kill more people than abortions? And why the heck would he publicly call me a liar for pointing out that the opposite is true?
(Is he truly that stupid?)
I'll prolly get shut down and banned if I comment on this because I'm just a white, 17 year-old, Christian, pro-gun, redneck guy. So I won't.
But the logic of this blog is sound.
Even if the arguing wasn't productive or beneficial to anything.
21 Mar 2023 01:24
In reply to Siling-La
Lol! This ain't the unofficial SDKPaint Community Discord server, this is Paint! (Meaning you wouldn't get banned here for being honest and having conservative views.)