Now, I need to warn u. If your in a good mood right now, this may kill it. It is for a good cause. This idea began due to a mental problem I have. Im always stuck in a cycle of thinking of all the defenseless children who, lets face it, are being raped tortured murdered and God knows what else.
I am writing this not to scare you, but to increase your awareness and vigilance.You may have seen on Tik Tok (and other media sites) posts about the "Guardian Angels". The Guardian Angels are just random civilians who are dedicated to decreases child disappearance rates in the U.S. Heres some tips from them that may help you and others from getting into such precariou situations:
1. NEVER TALK TO STRANGERS. Kidnappers are cunning, sick people. They are not stupid enough to try the candy trick anymore. If you see a stranger or anyone you do not recognise following you, run to the nearest gas station, library, school, or anywhere that has a phone and contact police.Do NOT offer to help strangers even if they appear to be harmless. Appearances are decieving.
2 Look around and be aware of your surroundings. Watch other children around you. If they seem to be in danger, get them and find an exscuse(a dropped pencil, they forgot their backpack,etc.) to get them away from the suspect until you are sure they know the individual personally.
3 Stay near a trusted adult or a group of friends. Kidnappers are not public people. They will not attack or abduct groups of children. If your walking home alone, get a friend or two to accompany you. If nobody can, call your parents and ask if they or another trusted adult will take you home.
4 Keep a defensive item. Whether it Pepper spray, a brick or a broken bottle, keep an item that can be used as a diversion to escape a predator and call 911 immediatly and search for the nearest public building.
These are some tips that I hope to God will keep you and others safe from sick people like kidnappers and rapists.Remember, Be Aware!
Thank you SO MUCH for writing this, and by posting this here now it is entirely possible that you may prevent something terrible from happening to someone here in the future.
Oi vey I hate those creepy slug-sucking kidnappers, they all need to be hung with barbed wire and *this part has been censored do to offensive language and bloody details*