Lots of people have tried to draw something and it was terrible, and one of the most common mistakes is they try to go ahead and do the full picture,
so start slow and do it step-by-step, not all at once.
Another thing lots of people do is try to do something and mess up, than they just restart, witch does work but its stressful so try to minimize the restarting.
Inspiration, alot of artists including me have nothing/don't know what to draw or paint,
so here's a list of stuff for inspiration,
that's just some stuff but you should also try to put alot of details.
It's also ok to take inspiration from youtube, so if someone says you stole that drawing idea it doesn't matter.
Always put your signature on pictures, that way people know its you.
Art hacks on Tik-Tok don't work
i've tried alot of them,
some of them might work but don't waste your time.
Don't draw backgrounds like they don't matter because they do.
Use rulers, protractors, and outliners if you can't draw straight lines.
Don't only draw your gender/race, if your a man its ok to draw wemon same the other way around.
Getting paint and putting its on paper randomly is not art, actually try.
If a picture doesn't look cool and its not done, don't try to fix it just finish the drawing.
If your painting a good thing to know is a 'blank canvas' and a 'white canvas' are two different things a blank canvas is unused, a white one has white paint (still wet) on it, it helps for shading.
You are not required to color your pictures, sometimes black and white work.
Markers are great to use because you can use pencils over them.
That's all I have for now, please upvote and comment!