'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre' is literally explained in the title. This horror film, which later got its line own of movies, was directed by Tobe Hooper. The movie was made in 1974 in Texas, United States with a budget of 140,000 USD, but made WAY more money than that. But now I'm gonna go to the actual rating and blah blah of the movie.
the movie.
It starts off with these 5 young people in a van, Franklin, Sally, Jerry, Kirk, and Pam. They go to Texas to find Sally's grandfathers grave (I THINK.) On the radio they talked about how the cemetery's body's where undug some with missing arms, legs, heads, skin, etc. After they do that they go off in the van but spot a hitchhicker so they stop to pick them up, not knowing this was one of the Sawyer family brother dudes. He keeps acting strange with them even asking for Franklin's knife and he hurt himself badly giggling and laughing. They immediately kick him out the van and leave him. Later on they stop at a gas station to get gas but apparently there wasn't any so they just go to like this old house (I think it was smt related to Franklin) with a lake or something near it. They go and the 4 of them not including Franklin is wondering around the house. He's more scared and worrying if that hitchhiker creep was following them. Kirk and Pam come out the house asking Franklin wheres the lake, they go and try to find it but woopsie they never came back because they decided to trespass the Sawyer's family home and got killed by Leatherface. Later on Jerry decideds to go find them but he dies too so now it's just Franklin and Sally. Now dark, Sally doesn't want to leave without Jerry but Franklin tells her "let's go find help" and "It's too dangerous" like a normal person but she doesn't budge. They fight and Franklin decideds to go with her. Leatherface spawns kills Franklin and Sally runs to the Sawyer house like 2 times or somethin' and she ends up back at the gas station. The guy tells her to calm down as she tells him to call the police. He tells her there no phones and goes to get the truck but he comes back and ties her up because whoopsies that's literally Leatherface's dad or something and they're all a cannibalistic killer family. He shoves her in the truck and drives off. Later on Sally gets tied to a chair, the Sawyer grandpa dude sucks her blood a bit and yeah. Now there's dinner and they're all teasing and torturin' her. The dad tells the sons (the hitchhiker dude and Leatherface) to get her over with and so they encourage the grandpa to end her. Leatherface helps the grandpa hold the hammer (I just thought it was wholesome even though someones dying ) But he keeps dropping it. Eventually they all argue and Sally gets away. She runs but the brothers come running after her on the road. The hitchhiker dude gets runover by a truck but Leatherface gets a deep cut in his leg but still tries to kill her. Sally jumps in the back of a truck as it goes away laughing and giggling. Leatherface just spins in circles with his chainsaw in the sunset.
actual rating
Was it good? Sure, I didn't like how stupid the dudes were for trespassing though. The idea is nice I guess.. I hated how Franklin died and not Sally. But overall I mean. It wasn't the most life changing movie but it wasn't horrible. 7.4/10