first, happy (currently 1 day late) valentines day. though, some people are single, valentine's day isn't just about romantic relationships, it can be platonic and friendly. tell your friend's, parents/guardians and your pook how much you love 'em!!
the movie
basically this movie is about a killer named harry warden. apparently when 2 of the supervisors or something like that were inpatient and wanted to go to the valentine's party, so didn't check to see if the miners in the cave were still in it or not (sounds familiar.....). the 7 miners got stuck. including harry, he killed them all. after he got rescued he went to a hospital but escaped and killed the 2 guys that let him to for real rot in the cave with the others. so basically he's like a michael myers but for valentine's day.
in the town the people plan the 1st valentine's party in 20 years and of course "harry" comes back and strikes. everyone groans and shrugs and calls it off. but some stubborn little jerks obviously went out to party near the caves, and yes, obviously, they went inside the cave. there's also some story between 2 guys and a girl which i literally did not care about. later on 2 people up in the surface died and everyone freaks and leaves. 2 dudes go down into the cave to get the others because "harry is there." newsflash, it's not harry. harry apparently died 5 years back (my life is a lie). and whoops the "harry" was actually some guy that was friends with all of them. (the real harry killed his dad )
rating: 8.2, i hated the ending i want harry and i want him now.
newsflash: the remake is worse and the only good thing about it is the fact that harry's ghost/spirit like controls a guy named tom sometimes so toms the one who kills :/
and the scenery is cool