Let's start with a bit of background on what exactly A Nightmare on Elm Street is. A Nightmare on Elm Street was a movie directed and written by Wes Craven, it was later released in 1984. It revolved around a group of teens that were tormented by the same dream guy, Freddy Krueger. Basically Freddy is a famous slasher with the red and green sweater, the burnt scars, fedora and razor glove. I personally really like this movie, unlike Jackie Earle Haley, who said he didn't like it and he actually played freaking Freddy Krueger in the 2010 reboot.
Obviously, no hate to him, I think he did a decent job playing the skinned cat. Though a lot of people, including me, love Robert Englund: the guy who had always played Freddy. So seeing him not being Freddy in this one sucks, but understandable since he is getting older now. Another thing with this reboot is that a lot of people that worked on this movie, didn't even wanna work on it. For example, Rooney Mara who played Nancy had spoken about how she did NOT wanna be in it but yet ended up as the main protagonist. I'm bringing these things up because it just sucks working on something like this you're not really into/passionate about, and it could be bad to the people who really love it.
Speaking about 2010 Nancy, I did not like her one bit. She does not resemble or even come close to the original Nancy, who I love as a character. She was more of a "Nobody ever gets me, I'm just so quirky." vibes compared to the smart OG Nancy. Also the relationships in this movie were so fake, it was like watching new kids talk to other new kids.
Now, 2010 Freddy Krueger. I could yap hours about how much I hate his guts. But before anything, I'd like to mention this movie was going for a more "dark, scary and realistic" tone. So, Freddy in this was not at all having fun being a dream demon, which is the complete opposite of OG Freddy. Though, it is a whole new guy playing Freddy Krueger. We all kinda know Freddy's a bit..Disgusting and freaky in the franchise, especially towards the young teenage girls. But in this reboot he is a straight up pedophile, it genuinely makes me so fucking grossed out by this Freddy. The OG Freddy was originally gonna be a pedo, but the writer, Wes, saw how there had been many cases on the news talking about children getting molested and decided to scrap the idea of pedo Freddy since he didn't want to make it seem he was earning money from these things. In Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child, we see the pair of teens searching in newspapers about Freddy and we see a glance of the words "Child molester" on the paper. But, we don't really have anything on OG Freddy to prove that other then him getting a bit cocky. What happens in the boiler room, stays in the boiler room. But back to 2010 Fred, we have evidence of him being that. I don't think I wanna specifically say anything since it kinda turns my stomach and it would make some uncomfortable, but all I'm gonna say is: photos. Also 2010 Freddy just looks gross, he looks like those blue avatar cat things in Avatar if they were skinned alive.
I cannot tell you how much they reused the stuff that was in the 1984 movie, it was fun pointing out references intill it wasn't because there was nothing new. Things like Tina's death was reused, the Nancy bath tub scene, the "how's this for a wet dream?" line from Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master. Probably the only new thing was something Freddy said that was like "Did you know when the body stops functioning, the brain keeps functioning for six more minutes? We have six more minutes to play." That's not exactly what he said, but close enough. The writers were ass and did not cook in this, but this was cooked like a perfect toast.
Okay, enough of me yapping about how bad it was and time for good stuff. One good thing about this, was Freddy's voice. I don't care what anybody says I love his voice so much. I would pay this guy to just talk for hours. Another thing is........That's it. I can't think of anything more that was good.
The A Nightmare on Elm Street reboot was something nobody asked for, but received because so many other horror movies like Friday the 13th were getting reboots. Though Jason was kinda good, not Freddy. I want to kill and torment 2010 Freddy and then bring him back to life to force him to make ASMR videos forever and ever. Goodbye.