Hey there!
I'm deciding to host a Chatroom Appreciation Day on the 21st of Febuary, which is.. TOMORROW (as of posting this)
On Paint, chatrooms are overlooked, people use other tools for communicating such as messages and groups, but chatrooms are an important part of paint and have made an impact, and this is why I wan't to host a Chatroom day, where (hopefully) a majority of paint will use Chatrooms more often.
Why should we use Chatrooms more often?
Instant Messaging
Chatrooms send messages near instantly, they allow us to send messgaes to each other without any problems. It may be true that groups have this, but chatrooms have a number of other features, such as being able to look over all the chats that people have sent since you join the room.
Chatrooms have anymber of commands in them that make them fun, even with no one else in the room, it would be wayyyy too long to name all of them, but there are commands that let you do certain actions, rickroll people, send images or links in the chat, change your name and more. Other messaging functions in Paint do not have this, and tis a unique part of Chatrooms.
CHatrooms allow you to send /alias comand that let you give yourself a nickname, plus, you can change your color in chat. Furthermore, avatars let you have a picture next to youur name out of the dozen ones that are available, these functions have so many posibilities. I could name myself Luigi in the Luigi Chatroom with a green color and a Luigi picture next to my name.
The possibilities are endless. I could be a Pepsi can, Phoenix Wright, Joker, or a LITERAL GUN. With this, you could mess around or like roleplay or something (whatever suits you i guess).
If there are only two people in a Chatroom, (PLUS A ADMIN!!!) the two members are able to have conversations in private. Unlike groups, if someone joins the room, they cant see the previous chats that have been sent, giving the people who spoke some privacy if it was a personal conversation, also, using the /pm command or just clicking someones name in Chatrooms allows you to pm them in the room so no other member can se your messages. JUST REMEMBER TO FOLLOW THE RULES smh.
Anyway, chatrooms have a load of other pros, but i have an exam to get to (lol), so those are my reasond on why I organized this day and why you should use chatrooms more often. Thanks.
See you in Chatrooms! (pls actually have someone come and not leave me all by myself)
PS: This event has not been officially organized by any admins or Hullbreach. This is simply a fun idea made by yours truly.
I'll be there! (However I'll just stalk the chatrooms bc I personally think they're too fastpaced and I get overlooked. It's just like the school hallways...) BUT I'LL BE THERE!