1) What is your favorite Pokémon?
-Mine: Chimchar! And Monferno/Infernape.
2) What is your favorite Pokémon game?
-Mine: Pokémon Platinum (Only 1 I have lol)
3) What is your favorite item?
-Mine: Exp. Share and Rare Candy (Very useful ;D)
4) Which gym leader was hardest for you to beat?
-Mine: Crasher Wake; he kept using Gyarados's Waterfall move. ONLY battle I've lost in Pokémon Platinum, excluding wi-fi. DX But I beat him on my second try!!! I've got all 8 gym badges
5) In your opinion, what is the best Pokétech application?
-Mine: Dowsing Rod is useful!
6) If you could be any Pokémon, what Pokémon would you be?
-Mine: Chimchar, duh!
P.S. If anyone wants to battle or trade on Platinum, let me know! I only have Platinum, but I would love to get Diamond-and-Pearl-exclusive Pokémon!
1- Lugia.
2- Leaf Green or Pearl.
3- Max revive, Full Restore, or the Bike.
4- None really, but I had a problem with Fantima or whatever her name is... -_-
5- Dowsing Machine
6- (Shadow) LUGIA, yay!
1.any dragon type 2.gold version 3.pokeballs...(what would we do without them?)XD 4.none 5.digital clock :p 6.Giratina Also,message me if you wanna trade or battle!My FC is 0904 3011 2846.
1- Charmander
2- SoulSilver
3- Old Rod (makes me giggle)
4- Gym Leader? I'd say brock on yellow version. My pikachu couldnt do ANYTHING to that guy :U squinty eyed freak
5- I like the friendship app, it means my pokemanz luv me
6- Dark Lugia RAWR
1 Swampert
2 Crystal Version
3 Every EV Training item
4 I'm not one for losing. Sinnoh wasn't tough.
5 Counter App (It looks useless, but it helps.)
6 Umbreon