Short and straight to the point. On the home page you are going "My Settings" ( its at the top left) Click that and it will take you to another page. Scroll down and under your Biography it will say "Chat Command"( you found where you want to be)
Now how to Create a command
You command will always start off with "Username watches ect"( what ever you put)
In the box you write what ever you would like you command to be. If you would like to enter a pic in your command ( which you can only use the pics) you have to know the avatar command that correspond with what picture. like /avatar mario will be {mario} and /avatar coin will be {coin}
Here is an example
Elite PKMN watches...
{mario} collect {coins}s with [MEMBER]
You need to type [MEMBER] in the command where you would like another users name to appear in the command
Now to use your command
all you have to type now is "/special" and then a users name so it will look like
/special Elite PKMN
then on the screen will apprea
Elite PKMN watches Mario(pic) collect Coin(pic)s with Elite PKMN
If you have any further question feel free to write some comments