We all know these Pokemon (except Spiritomb which are hacked) posses the ability Wonderguard. Wonderguard prevents all damage except super-effective ones. Only Shedinja has Wonderguard legitly and Spiritomb has no weakness so most Pokemon hackers would take advantage of this. There are other ways of inflicting damage and I will list them all below.
The following are ways of damaging Wonderguard Pokemon:
-Super effective hits (Shedinja: Fire, Rock, Flying, Ghost, Dark type attacks)
-Hail and Sandstorm weather
-Poison, Burn, Confuse, Leech Seed, Curse (Ghost) status
-Stealth Rock, Spike, Toxic Spikes
-Rough Skin, Effect Spore (Poison), Flame Body, Poison Point
-Future Sight, Doom Desire
-Destiny Bond
-Perish Song
-Sleep + Bad Dreams/Nightmare
-Toxic/Flame Orb, Sticky Barb or Black Sludge + Trick combo
-Mold Breaker
Adding from above, in Mystery Dungeon series:
-Basic Attack (Not the moves)
-Roar and Whirlwind (if pushed to another Pokemon)
-Sticky Items
-Throw Items
-Grimy Food (Burned or Poisoned)
-Traps (Leader and teammate can only activate)
-Walking into the lava
-Hunger (Leader only)
-Orbs (One-Shot, Lob, Hurl, Blowback)
-Future Sight (Fixes Damages)
-Vacumm Cut, Wide Slash
LMAO! I told Finrod I could write an entire blog about the various ways one could defeat a Shedinja with Sturdy, but if he read this, I think he'd get the point.
Someone PLEASE share this with Finrod!