Add me too. My game name is the same as my username here
Quoth Mexterquote]Well im off to ask to join. Can i join. I know this won't affect the answer but im a good farmer/blacksmith
Is this the only place you advertised at? So I can pretty much expect to see a ton of SDK users? Thats epic.
I wouldn't attack anyone! PWETTY PWEASE?
Quoth MeAndMyWii:Quoth EpicArtifex:Are mods allowed?
We dont want players to fly, use X-ray and PvP hacks, so i guess no
What about fast running?
Quoth EpicArtifexquote]Are mods allowed?
This was just the server I was looking for
Are mods allowed?
My user name is
Hope this will be a good server
Hey I have a question about running a minecraft server. My friend has a hamachi server and in the server settings, he told me it's offline, so if he sets to online, would I (a non-hamachi user) be able to play on his server, then?
Can you add me to white-list my username is xedres
join my minecraft server and no white list
I would join ifbmy computer mouse dident broke