Hello guys today lesson is on iframe which is very short and simple to learn. Before we get into this tour i going to explain what each attributes mean.
iframe An ifram is used to display a web page within a web page as inline fram is marked up. Here is a example,
<iframe src=' ' width='100' height='100'></iframe>.
Iframe can also be used for making tab. Check this out for a example HomeForDsi Tab
SRC This is a attribute within the iframe tag. This specifies the address of the document.
SRC Height and Width The height and width attributes are used to specify the height and width of the iframe. Also the attribute values are specified in pixels by default, but they can also be in present (like +80%").
Seemless This specifies that the <iframe> should look like it is a part of the containing document instead of inside a box the webpage.
SandBox This enable a set of extra restrictions for the content in the <iframe>.
Here are more terms to learn
1) srcdox
2) Target for a link
Let get started, first we need to write <iframe> tag.
Second, We need to input SRC atrribute within the <iframe>.
Third, We need to write height and width attribute within the <iframe> then set the pixel.
Here what finish example look like when complete.
<iframe src='http://dsipaint.com' width='240px' height='176px'/></iframe> Now that was simple and easy. My next tour will show you how to make a tab using iframe just like HomeForDsi.
I hope this was helpful to some of you post your response here.