There are pyramids in Pennsylvania. About three. They were built by The Rosicrucian Fraternity called The Fraternitas Rosae Crucis. That's Latin for Brotherhood of the Rose Cross. It's a secret society that actually started in Germany in 1614. It brought together various groups of people previously known as Hermetists, Pythagoreans, Magi , Platonists, Gnostics, Alchemists, and Paracelsians.
The fraternity existed in America prior to the revolution. In 1774 the governing body, called the Council of Three, was composed of Benjamin Franklin, George Clymer, and Thomas Paine. During the Civil War the Paschel Beverly Randolph, General Ethan Allen Hitchcock and Abraham Lincoln were the Great Council.
The Rosicrucian Fraternity has two missions. The first is to serve and guide those individuals who are willing to devote themselves to a spiritual life and who are willing to take this sacred vow upon their soul. This pretty much offers spiritual teachings to those who want to to develop their soul from a “slumbering ember” to a fully conscious spiritual being. The second is to disseminate spiritual and scientific truths for the betterment of the physical, moral and intellectual condition of all humanity. Both missions work together. The first, the outer mission, is directed towards the betterment of humanity. The second, the inner mission, concerns the development of the individual soul.
The Rosicrucian Fraternity teaches that there is one God. The created and source of all. It teaches that there is a particle of the Divine element, a Divine Spark, of and from God buried within each of us. It teaches that the spark is our soul. It teaches a lot of Christian beliefs, but I think it's more of a cult or something.
In the pyramids are some rather creepy and unsettling messages. Before the door there is a plaque that has a triangle. Inside the triangle is a skull with cross bones on top of an Earth with wings. This is supposed to be a church sort of place, but it's creepy and unusual to have that symbol. There's an anchor on the left and a little thing with flames on the right of the triangle. Beneath it reads "TRY". It is believed the the other pyramids may have different words and may complete a sentence or phrase.
Inside the pyramid is a very small room about 3 feet wide and five feet long. This is where is gets even more creepy. The walls are made of marble, but each slab has screws indicating that at some point in time they may be removed to expand the room quote a lot. This is pretty much confirmed do to the size of the pyramid.
Inside the pyramid are many plaques hanging on the walls. The first shows the same pyramid with a large chamber. The other plaques have the eagle symbol and the pyramid symbol from the dollar bill. On the bottom of the one with the pyramid from the dollar bill are some engraved words reading "Novus Or do Seclorum" which is Latin for "new order of the ages" or commonly called New World Order. The top of the pyramid is broken and is replaced by a very creepy eye.
The creepiest thing about it all is that we don't know what the pyramids are for, and no one is really allowed to go in them or near them. They're part of a garden and that is now closed. There are "No Trespassing signs nearby. Those who have gone in were very long lucky no one saw them.
Another location that is tied in is Cave of Kelpius in Philadelphia. This was a cave built by Johannes Kelpius. He was an astronomer among other things, and other people thought of him as a magician because he was ahead of his time.
It is connected to the Rosicrucian Fraternity because of a stone slab outside of it. The Rosicrucian Fraternity often writes messages in code. On the slab it says Johannes Kelpius was the first Rosicrucian to come to America. An example of coded messages would be Cro Maat. Cro Mast is Egyptian for " The Truth Shall Be". The Rosicrucian Society is officially called "The Ancient And Mystical Order Rosae Crucis". Which is Cro Maat backwards.
I like secret societies, but they can be really creepy.
Here are some videos. They have subtitles to help with the guys accent.