I walk around the cold, metal room, securing chains around Aurora so she does not escape. My dark, heinous reflection catching my attention for a moment. I grin bearing my gleaming, jagged teeth. I walk towards Aurora, and look her up down. Curiously, I check out every part, making mental notes of anything important.
Upon placing her jacket on a metal table, I heard a long clanging noise. Curiously, I searched for the source and pulled her cellphone from the right side pocket. Searching through her contacts, I found the important ones and sent a text to each one. The text read; Hey! All is well with me! I'm gonna stay at a friend's house for a few days! Hope all is well with you! Love!
Afterwards I put on my robe, lit my pipe, and sat in front of the fire, while I searched through the entire contents of her phone. I stopped when I found a bunch of texts from a contact labeled as Jasper. There were no responses from her, and the texts looked desperate, so I figured if I texted this contact to meet somewhere he would probably agree. He was more obsessed with Aurora than I was.
I clicked to send him a text message that read; Hey, Jasper! I was like, just thinking that you and I should totally hang out sometime! Why don't you meet me at that old hiking path at 6:30 am so we can hike? Txt back
He responded right away with; Yea! Sure! See u then bae
I planned exactly how everything would go down and waited for morning to roll around. When it got closer to six in the morning, I knew I had to get everything ready. Last night I had not be as prepared as I should have been, so I need to get my dagger ready. Looking around, I found a beautiful dagger to use. The crystals in it were gleaming when I held it up to the light. It was perfect.
I took this new dagger and ran it down my sides making delightful, fleshy lacerations in my scaly skin. Blood dripping down my hand as I go. I lay my head against the back of my chair, as drool pools from both sides of my mouth. My breath comes in very shallow and quick. Afterwards, my saliva oozes out of my mouth and runs down my tongue to cover all of the wounds so they could heal.
When it was fifteen minutes past six I left to meet Jasper. Upon arriving at the hiking path, it was still quote dark. This was good. Jasper would not be able to see me. I waited, crouched in the leafy bushes to the right of the path pointing northward. I tried my best to keep my breath silent so he would not know of my presence.
The twigs and dead leaves made a crunching sound as the boy walked over them. I quietly walked out from the bushes, still in a crouching position.
"Aurora, hey! Ready to hike?" He asked me excitedly.
Staying silent, I stared into his eyes.
"Aurora! C'mon. Quit playing around!" He demanded.
Slowly, I arose to my full seven feet. This was quite shocking to him. He was plagued with fear and trembling.
"Agghgghhgh! Holy hell!!! What are you?! What have you down with Aurora?!" He screamed.
Rather than answer him, I grabbed him, threw him over my shoulder, and headed back to my place to finish. He kept thrashing, kicking, and screaming the entire way there. I just keep going and pay no mind to him. When we get there I take him into an empty room and hit him lightly over the head with a tire iron. It's a lot cheaper than anesthetics and works most of the time. After I strap him to the operating table, I get out the dagger I used before.
I place it near his left eye, lift the lid, and quickly, but carefully remove it. He started to regain consciousness in the middle of it and started screaming and begging for mercy, but i just ignore him. This has to be done. My plans MUST work out!
I detach the nerves at the back, and open my mouth. The eyeball is rubbery but juicy with delicious blood. It's my favorite treat to devour, but it's quite the delicacy. After my little snack I replace the deep, dark space in his socket with a special crystal eyball. This way I can see everything that Jasper sees. Exhaustingly, I leave him strapped to the table so I can get some well deserved rest. Before I leave I knock him unconscious again. Even though I know I will have to deal with both of them when they regain consciousness later on, I leave and go to my bed. I can handle the two of them later when I finalize my plans.