Well, me and the members of Nameless Group came up with an idea, to revive the SDK Quilt. Now, it might not have been us that created the idea of it, but we thought that maybe it'd help get everyone together more. So, yeah.
Here's how it'll work-- you, the members of SDK, will be creating squares. It can be drawn, or created (such as editing, or built), anywhere, here, your computer, real life (just take a well placed good quality picture please)-- wherever you want. But make it square shaped, and if possible, maybe add a border or fill it in entirely.
We've decided that the theme will be music-- so create whatever you want that's related to the subject! It can be your favourite lyrics as you imagine it, the place you feel the music takes you to, your favourite album art, musical notes, whatever! xD
And it doesn't matter if you think you "draw badly" or not. Anything you can make that'll contribute to this will be absolutely amazing, so please do create something!
When you've finished creating your addition to this, just send it to me-- you can either upload it to images and link it to me, or you could email it to me.
Please send in your creation before September 28th.
Deadline has been bumped up by a month, so--
Deadline; October 28th
As the weekend after that day, I will be combining it all together. I will then create a blog and put it in there to show it to you all!
February 8th is the deadline now I guesssssssss helpme
I know not many people are here now, but if we all contribute I'm sure it'll be a lovely creation!
Thnk you for reading and have a wonderful day~ Happy creating xP
Links to the original blogs of the creator of the SDK Quilt;
can u do me a dsi gamer icon contest winner get there icon on my picture rule:
anime cat or squid from splatoon is allow i recccomend for a 50% win to a 70% win
So I've noticed that a few people don't want to draw, or feel like they won't draw "well enough" for the quilt. So I've updated to blog, trying to appease to these folk. Sorry if it felt like I was pressuring you all into HAVING TO DRAW something-- I really don't want to do that. Just do whatever pleases you all. Even if there's like 3 entries, it'll be wonderful
Thanks-- and again, sorry to you all for the demands
16 Jul 2018 04:10
In reply to Gemini Guardian
Waldo has a point though, is there any other way anyone can contribute, like idk editing or something. Cause not everybody is willing to draw "just for u gem ecks dee".
ill change my gender for 500 gems np, Woow pretty hypocritical smh, its more of "Yeah only these select people r allowed, and it just happens to be majority girls" then "Girlz onlyxDD" smhhh