It's been 5 years since I used to frequently use this website. 2 since I last used it. This post has no real impact or meaning in the eyes of those who may view it, but I want to post this regardless. In summary; I miss using this website.
I broke contact with everyone who I would consider to be a friend on here. The two people who I would message daily, who I haven't spoken to in years, I miss them. I want to find them again, and I want to rebuild bridges.
I also want to see this site running again, for new experiences and possibly new friends. Maybe I'm naive or maybe it's nostalgia, I don't know. But it truly is someone I long for.
Hmm nice blog mate. I know what that feels like losing contact with people you used to talk with on here. I was in the same situation as you when I just came back a couple of years ago, since then I have contacted a few of my old friends from here. I hope you have the same luck. Also, you're always welcomed back here if you want to stay with our newer community, it's much smaller than the old sdk but I think that's a good thing a lot of the time.