It was a dark and stormy day in the town of Henville.
VEVDEE?☀ (the ? is supposed to be the bunny emoji from the original Animal Crossing) fished tirelessly, hour after hour, in pursuit of wealth.
He sought to become Henville's first millionaire, and so he scoured the beaches, picking up every seashell, and catching every fish and insect that he ran across.
(There weren't many insects in the rain, though).
He had caught many a fish during his efforts, but he was only there for one: the Red Snapper.
In the rain, snappers were fairly common, and sold for an impressive 3,000 Bells a piece. Sea Bass, on the other hand, only sold for 120 Bells, still more than most seashells, but not very much.
Still, he chose the path of the Saltwаter Fisherman.
"It's worth it because of the snappers.", he told his family.
"It's the secret to getting rich!", he claimed.
As the hours went by, he had caught countless Sea Bass and Snappers alike, and he kept fishing relentlessly, in pursuit of his fortune.
Eventually, something unusual happened: he had caught a saltwаter fish that no one else in town had ever seen before.
It wasn't quite as big as a snapper, but it was more impressive looking, with silver and black stripes.
"Look everyone! I discovered a new fish!", he told the others.
The others were impressed, but at the same time annoyed by his seemingly endless fishing.
(Only 1 person can play at a time, after all.)
He had discovered the (at the time) rare and elusive Barred Knifejaw!
Later on this fish, however, would be considered simply another saltwаter fish. Not all that rare, and not particularly special, other than its impressive value of 5,000 Bells.
Eventually, his family became even more annoyed with his obsessive fishing.
"When is it going to be my turn?", said his sister. "He's been fishing for hours!"
VEVDEE?☀ knew he was pushing his luck. He knew that eventually, he would have to stop.
Deep into the darkness of night, the thunderstorm raged on, beating down relentlessly on the coast of Henville.
East to west, and west to east, he carefully crept back and forth along the shoreline, picking up every single seashell, and catching every single fish that he came across.
(And lots of boots and empty cans, too!)
Midnight was fast approaching, and he knew what would happen once the clock struck 12 o'clock: the thunderstorm, which had been making the fish "come play", would soon stop.
He was far from his goal of 1,000,000 Bells, but he had still earned a considerable amount of money (around 300,000), and he wanted to keep fishing until the very end.
Just as it was nearing midnight, he saw something unbelievable: a colossal fish, far bigger than any he had ever seen before, staring straight at him from the murky depths.
"Could it be?!", he exclaimed. "The Legendary Living Fossil?!"
VEVDEE?☀ grew very anxious. He was a skilled angler, but he was terrified that he might not be able to catch this mysterious giant fish.
"What if I mess this up?", he thought. "Will I ever see it again?"
"...And what of my reputation as Henville's best fisherman?"
VEVDEE?☀ was very nervous as he watched the shadow of the giant fish swimming about near the shoreline, and he knew that he had to try and catch it.
And so he cast his line into the water, directly in front of the giant fish.
It ignored him at first, but then it began to swim over VERY slowly, and poked his line just once.
VEVDEE?☀, being the master fisherman that he is, knew that a fish would never poke the line more than 4 times before biting.
"The 5th time they always bite.", he would say. However, he also knew that they could bite at any point in time before the 5th one.
The giant saltwаter fish poked his line again.
VEVDEE?☀ was VERY tense.
Normally, he had a feel for when fish were going to bite, but this strange giant fish moved very, VERY slowly, and VEVDEE?☀ was beginning to freak out a bit.
"The suspense is killing me!", he thought to himself.
The giant fish poked his line once again.
"That makes three.", he muttered quietly to himself.
He knew that within the next two hits, it would bite.
VEVDEE?☀ was EXTREMELY tense now. His thumb was on the trigger (well, on the A button, anyway), and he knew that if the fish was about to bite down, that he had to react FAST.
He sees the great fish approaching his line yet again. He quickly reacts, KNOWING that it was going to bite down this time…
[Spoiler=Did he catch the fish?]…He caught it!
He struggles hard to reel it in, and once he does, he is in complete and utter awe of the ancient creature that he pulls up from the depths.
It was indeed the "living fossil", the "ancient legendary fish-thing", as some of the townsfolk called it.
It was an ancient creature, the likes of which once swam in the primordial seas of the Paleozoic, hundreds of millions of years ago…
Long before the first dinosaurs had walked the earth, and even before the first fish had ever crawled out from the ocean to live on the land, it was there.
It was from the Devonian Era, "the great age of the fishes", the time when the first sharks swam the seas, and before any vertebrates had begun to live on the land.
He was amazed by the very idea that such a creature could have survived for so long, more or less the same as it was over 400 million years ago.
They survived the Great Dying at the end of the Permian, which turned the life-giving seas themselves toxic, deadly, and acidic.
They survived the deadly meteor at the end of the Cretaceous, which killed off all of the dinosaurs, as well as all of the great reptiles that ruled the skies and the seas.
It was a living relic of an ancient world now lost.
"Look! Look! It's the ancient legendary fish!", he shouted.
Everyone else was (almost) as amazed by his catch as he was. However, they all had something else on their minds…
"So are you done hogging the GameCube, yet?!", his sister shouted.
Although he hadn't gotten the million Bells that he was after, he didn't mind quitting at that point. I mean, he had caught the most amazing fish in all the seas (other than sharks, of course). What more could he have possibly wished for?
Sorry, I wasn't sure if that would work (I actually reached the limit for the amount of text I could enter).
VEVDEE?? ("VEVDEE Bunny Sun" was always how my family said it) was my character in the original Animal Crossinng.
Everyone (except my dad, and even he did eventually) had a character in that game, but my mom was actually the first.
Henville is the name she came up with (Her character's name was Chickie), and from the very beginning, there was at least 1 chicken in town. (Hank, although he wasn't a hen, lol.)