2. Diversify your moves
Here's an example:
A Salamence (holding a Salamencite) that knows Draco Meteor, Thrash, Fire Blast, and Dragon Dance.
If facing a Steel-type you can use Fire Blast.
If facing a Fairy-type, Thrash should work well (Remember: after Mega Evolving, Thrash is a Flying-type move, and does 50% more damage).
And although Draco Meteor quickly decreases in strength, you can just switch to using Thrash afterwards (that technique also works with Outrage, Dragon Ascent, or any other physical move).
You'll always want make sure you have some powerful move(s) to use against Steel-types and Fairy-types (and something that works on Shedinjas, too).
3. Using the right Held Items (and having the right Abilities, too.)
A Dragonite with the Ability Multiscale (If you're lucky enough to have one), holding onto a Yache Berry, will take ¼ damage from an Ice-type move, assuming its hit when its at full HP. Now that's powerful!
Yache, Roseli, and Haban Berries are extremely useful items, as they can cover your weaknesses.
Alternatively, you could use the very powerful Weakness Policy (which I regularly have those same Multiscale Dragonites hold onto), for a more aggressive strategy.
The White Herb works well with Draco Meteor, and so does Dragonium Z (If you turn Draco Meteor into a Z-move, it doesn't lower your Sp. Attack).
The best Z-Crystals for a Dragon Master, however, are Kommonium Z (let's Kommo-o use its Z-move "Clangorous Soulblaze", which raises all of its stats), and Ultra Necrozium Z, which lets Dawn Wings or Dusk Mane Necrozma use Ultra Burst, which is similar to (but doesn't conflict with) Mega Evolution.
Then, Ultra Necrozma (now a Dragon-type) can use its Z-move "The Light that burns the Sky", which will either be Physical or Special, depending upon its current stats.
It should be noted here that Rayquaza can Mega Evolve without holding a Mega Stone, which means Mega Rayquaza can use any Held Item (other than Z-Crystals).
In Double and Triple Battles, Mega Rayquaza's Delta Stream Ability can be extremely useful for protecting Flying-type Dragons, like Dragonite, Salamence, and itself, against both Ice-type and Rock-type moves (as well as Electric-type moves, for what its worth).
Anyway, that's all the advice I have for now, other than to study the Teams and Movesets of other Dragon Masters, such as Lance, Clair, Zinnia, Iris, and Drake (just to name a few).
I hope this helps those who want to be a Dragon Master.
Cool idea, actually. It WOULD make things harder for us Dragon Masters, but I wouldn't mind. Dragons are so powerful (and just plain cool), there isn't really much they could do to make me stop using them. I must admit, though, I DID have to make some adjustments when they added Fairy-types (and Misty Terrain, for that matter).
That's true. Basically, the most effective way I've found of addressing this is by aggressive use of damage reducers (Multiscale, Delta Stream, Yache Berry, etc.). If a Dragonite (with Multiscale) holding a Yache, under the Delta Stream weather condition, is hit by an Ice-type move (which normally would do 4× damage), it gets halved by Multiscale, halved again by Delta Stream, and halved yet again by the Berry, making do ½ damage, like a "not very effective" move, rather than 4× damage, like normal. One alternative that I left out, however, is items like Focus Sash and Focus Band. These are better for those "Speedy" Dragons.
Lol, I mean usually I just carry a steel type, that is resistant against most types, like magnezone or aggron, but it is still weak to the inevitable earthquake, it’s really just about timing your switches.
07 May 2019 14:16
In reply to Draconid_Jo
Oh, yeah! Forgot to mention this, but Aggron is one of those non-Dragon-type Dragons I was talikng about in the blog. Iris even has one (as Champion). So if you're doing that, its perfect!