For those who don't want to do this, there is a "technically" legit trick, called RNG Manipulation. I won't get into it, other than to say it's only legit if you do it WITHOUT MODIFYING YOUR SYSTEM OR GAME CARD. (Which is only possible in Gens 3 & 4, possibly 5.)
For lowering EVs, just grow a bunch of those Berries that lower a Stat and raise Friendship.
In Black/White it's pretty much the same, except it's harder to get Berries.
In B2/W2, however, it's a lot easier to lower EVs. In Join Avenue, there are Shops that sell those Berries (at high Ranks), and also Salons that can lower EVs.
In Gen 6, You can grow Berries, but there's also another option for lowering EVs: The Reset Bag in Super Training. It's also good for measuring your EVs. (DON'T FORGET TO SAVE FIRST!)
Dang smartphones! I prefer my 2DS stylus. *Sigh* I accidentally deleted your comment, Gemini. I was TRYING to reply, and tell you if you had any questions, to ask me.
I assume the reason this wasn't featured is due to the reference to RNG manipulation. I would appreciate it if someone could confirm this.
If that is the only reason it wasn't featured, then I would like to redo this blog, without that section. I believe this is all very useful information (especially for beginners), and I would rather it be visible to as many people as possible. Thanks!