Not only did they completely change the way Physical and Special moves work (which had a MASSIVE impact on Battling), they also were the first Games that allowed online Battling and Trading (which AFAIK don't work anymore).
A cool in-game smartwatch, with various Apps, such as the Dot Artist, the Calculator, and the Type Checker.
The Underground
A Massive, Underground World, where you can dig for Treasure (such as Fossils), have a Secret Base (which you can customize), and play with others nearby.
The Game Corners are really cool in these Games, and neither Game Corners, nor the Safari Game even exist in Gen 5 and beyond.
An enhanced version of D/P, with a new Story, both of the main Legendaries (and even a new one: Giratina Origin Forme), as well as some new Features, including:
The Battle Frontier
They brought back the Battle Frontier, a place with many Battling Facilities.
(In D/P, they only have the Battle Tower.)
Shard Moves
They added many Move Tutors, who can teach many cool moves (including one of my favorites: Outrage) in exchange for different colored Shards.
They also added a TON of online features. Unfortunately, they no longer function (AFAIK), and the Games were heavily dependent on them (such as for growing Berries).
The sequels to B/W. If you didn't play those, you may not get certain references, but the Games will still be fun.
These Games are far less Internet-dependent than B/W, and have new features, including:
IMO, the single best Battling Facility in ANY Game.
You can Battle many different Gym Leaders and Champions from older Games, in Single, Double, or Triple Battles.
Join Avenue
A cool place that can be customized with different shops, that provide goods and services.
would have been super useful for me back in 2017 woww
13 Jul 2019 11:22
In reply to Gemini Guardian
Yep, lol!
Sorry for not coming here earlier.
I didn't want to set up an Account here until I had a reliable way to access the Internet, that way I could do stuff here consistently.
(Of course, I'm pretty sure I didn't even know about this place that far back.)
I mainly did it for CM, anyway.
I thought that other people would find it informative as well, but I THINK it would attract enough attention, even if it were a few blogs down.