Water-types are my 2nd favorite, right below Dragon.
In fact, I typically use a mixed Dragon/Water Team when I'm not using Legendaries, as it helps deal with Ice-types (although Freeze-Dry can be a bit of a problem, nowadays).
Like Dragons, Water-types both have few weaknesses, and work well against most opponents (even Steel-types).
Unlike Dragons, there are a TON of Water-types, so 2 different all Water Teams can be very different from one another.
1. "Make it Rain!"
The core of any good Water-type strategy is using Rainy Weather. If using Legendaries, your best bet is using Kyogre, but for non-Legendary Teams, this can be more difficult.
You'll want to use a Damp Rock, but the main problem is if you're opponent keeps using Sandstorm, or worse: Sunny Day.
In Sunny Weather, a Water-type Team can lose to a Fire-type Team, so you MUST be persistent, and not allow yourself to be stuck in Sunny Weather.
Usually, Ice Beam is your best choice, but I personally prefer Blizzard.
Not only because it can hit multiple opponents, but also because of how it can't miss in Hail.
Because of this, you'll definitely want a Team with many different secondary types, such as Water/Dragon (these were originally only weak against Dragon, although they are now weak against both Freeze-Dry and Fairy-types as well), Water/Ground (only weak against Grass and Freeze-Dry, and immune to Electric), Water/Grass (weak against Flying, Poison, Bug, and Freeze-Dry), and Water/Steel (weak against Electric, Fighting, and Ground).
Also, this allows you to take full advantage of many other types of moves (besides Water and Ice), giving you much more variety on the offensive side of things as well.
5. Water-type moves
In general, I'd go with Scald, rather than Surf, unless you're doing a Double/Triple Battle combo, like Surf+Storm Drain.
For Starters, you'll definitely want Hydro Cannon, and (for those that can learn it) Muddy Water is a great alternative to Surf (since it can't hit your Teammates).
Also, Aqua Jet is a nice move, and it's interesting to combine it with Storm Drain, as well.
Brine+Super Fang is another nice combo, although it's not perfect.
(If your opponent has an odd number of HP, it doesn't work right, although it's not usually a big deal, IMO.)
And (if it's an option) Dive is a great, often overlooked move, and IMHO, even better than Waterfall (although Waterfall definitely has it's advantages) and Aqua Tail (the only reason to use Aqua Tail is if you can't use Waterfall for some reason, IMO).
I doubt I could cover everything in this blog (I won't even try to cover Stats/Natures in it), but in general, Abilities that take advantage of Rain, such as Swift Swim, Hydration, and Rain Dish are good, as well as ones that work in combos, like Storm Drain, and Water Absorb.
As for held items, damage reducing Berries are always good, as are the many Water move enhancing items.
Even though I mentioned it elsewhere, I'll mention my Mega Sharpedo trick:
Have a Sharpedo with Speed Boost use Protect on the first turn, WITHOUT Mega Evolving.
Then, next turn, Mega Evolve it.
The result is a Mega Sharpedo that is 1.5× faster than normal, the equivalent of it holding a Choice Scarf.