Now, I know Luis is supposed to be No. 1 around here (with the possible exception of Star Shadow), but that's precisely why I want to Battle him.
However, a few things do need to be kept in mind when it comes to this particular Battle:
Most people (including Luisjo, apparently) just aren't comfortable doing Triple Battles.
Personally, I'm great at them, and I find it somewhat difficult to adjust my Teams for doing Single Battles.
(Doubles Battles are cool with me too, though.)
I'll probably get an opportunity to Battle Luis sometime this month, I'm just not sure when.
(I still haven't gotten around to that Rematch against Dedode, either.)
Plz pm me the results, and any major events of the battle. My browser doesn't support videos and I cannot use any other device.
04 Jul 2019 14:39
In reply to Siling-La
Will do!
BTW, I sent Finrod some Battle Video Codes (before he dropped me as a Friend), and he couldn't seem to find any way to play them, aside from entering them in-Game, over Wi-Fi.
Also, you might be interested in the results of the Battle between me and Dedode3.
I DID post the Code in my blog about it (which wasn't featured), but if you can't play it, just check the Comments.
I described it pretty well to Luisjo.
(He doesn't own the right Games to play the Video.)
04 Jul 2019 19:25
In reply to Draconid_Jo
05 Jul 2019 22:44
In reply to Siling-La
I asked Gemini to look for some way to play the Battle Videos outside of the Games, although I'm still not sure if it's even possible.
(Even though it wouldn't help in your situation, anyway.)
Still, I want EVERYONE to be able to enjoy these Battles, whether it's by watching them, reading about them, or (if you're really lucky) participating in them.