-Berry Juice and Oran Berry are allowedIf anyone has suggestions about ways I could improve these, please leave a Comment here, or post on this Bulletin Board Thread that I started.
(Wait a minute...Smearagle can learn Dark Void? OH. MY. GOD.) I always had a little problem with understanding Tiers even after 7 years of dealing with it, but this one is perfect!-
I basically designed it before I even understood what Smogon's tiering system was, and did so from the perspective of someone who had played the handheld games and console games for almost 2 decades, and that was used to battling under what I now call the “2 tier system”, referring to the “tier” of Legendary Pokémon that are banned from in-game battling facilities like Battle Tower in 1 tier, and everything that is allowed in those battling facilities in the other.
(And all I did was divide those tiers based on things that I could easily understand, like evolutionary/Legendary status and base stat totals.)
And yeah lol, Dark Void is definitely Smeargle's best move, and so I had to take it into consideration when designing these tiers considering just how powerful of a move it is in Double and Triple Battles.
(I abused the heck outta that move in Triple Battles against random opponents in the Battle Spot in Gen 6, lol!)
BTW, I know I'm kinda obsessed with it, but did you hear about how Black Kyurem is only OU (the 2nd highest tier), instead of Uber (the highest tier), in the old System?
To me, the guy who's (by far) the best Dragon Master here, that just sounds ridiculous.
The moment I read that Black Kyurem was considered "OU", while (according to Finrod) most Pseudo-Legendaries are considered "Uber", I thought that the system was completely ridiculous, and decided to make an alternative.
I DID, however, put some restrictions on obviously OP Moves and Items, such as Dark Void, and Soul Dew (they usually restrict Soul Dew in-Game anyway), as well as putting limitations on Mega Evolution, Eviolite, Light Ball, Thick Club, and even Kommonium Z.
There are no restrictions on Base Stat totals, however 2 Moves, Dragon Rage, and Sonic Boom, aren't allowed, due to the fact they are WAY too powerful at Level 5.