For Ghosts with high Sp. Atk, this is THE best move, even better than Shadow Ball.
In order to use it properly, you must first inflict a Status Condition on your opponent, such as Sleep, Burn, Paralysis, Poison, or Freeze.
If it's an option, Sleep is the best choice (IMO), as it completely disables your opponent (under normal circumstances, anyway), despite the fact most Sleep-inducing Moves (such as Hypnosis) are inaccurate.
For those that can't do this, Will-O-Wisp is a good alternative, and is learnable by most Ghosts.
You may be wondering:
What about Thunder Wave? And Toxic?
Well, Thunder Wave IS good, particularly for slower Ghosts, but it doesn't work on as many opponents (no Electric-types or Ground-types), and is also no longer 100 Accuracy (as of Gen 7), so it's not as good as it was.
Toxic *usually* doesn't make sense, although it's interesting (and dangerous) to use as Gengar, as it can also be combined with Venoshock, in basically the same way as Hex.
2. Physical Ghost-type Moves
Phantom Force is an AWESOME Move, for those who get it.
It DOES have it's weaknesses (such as your opponent being able to switch out, before being hit by it), but IMO, those are minor.
More than any other Type, Ghosts get a TON of Status Conditions they can inflict on their opponents.
Aside from the more normal Status Conditions, these include Confusion, Curse, and Nightmare, as well as various ways of trapping opponents.
Additionally, they get Moves like Destiny Bond, and Pain Split, which depending on how you use them, are EXTREMELY POWERFUL!
My advice is to think carefully about which Status Moves (including those that can raise or lower Stats) are best for each Ghost, and make sure you have a good strategy.
I'm NOT saying you can't focus on these Moves, I'm just saying you should have a backup plan.
Here's a Moveset for a Gengar, for example:
Hex, Sludge Bomb, Hypnosis, Nightmare.
With those Moves, you can hit most Normal or Dark-type opponents with Sludge Bomb, and if your opponents can't be put to Sleep, both Hex and Sludge Bomb can still be used as Attacks.
5. Secondary Types
IMHO, this isn't as big a deal for Ghost-types as it is for many other Types, as Ghosts are usually either really fast, or really defensive in nature.
Still, Ghost/Dark-types are cool, because they are only weak against Fairies (they used to have no weaknesses), as are Ghost/Fairy-types (AFAIK, Mimikyu is the only one of these).
It's still a good idea to have a variety of Secondary Types, however, as it gives you more Attack options (like that Sludge Bomb on Gengar).
6. Mega Evolution
Unlike Dragons and Water-types, there aren't a whole lot of Mega Evolving Ghosts.
Your choices are Gengar (My personal favorite. It's the fastest choice), Banette (The more Physical choice), and Sableye (Has an AWESOME Ability, and it's a Ghost/Dark-type).
Personally, although there are tricks you can use (like that Sturdy Shedinja thing), IMO, the best way to use a Shedinja is as is, holding either a Safety Goggles, a Focus Sash, or a Focus Band, although certain offensive items work well, too, such as a Metronome.
quick question, what's the best pokemon to use when going to catch ghost pokemon? since the pokemon i use keep 1-hit killing them and they're REALLY hard to bump into
02 Jul 2019 18:46
In reply to Gemini Guardian
also, what's the best way to find ghost-types faster/easily? or are they supposed to be hard to find?
02 Jul 2019 21:58
In reply to Gemini Guardian
Most are just rare.
It DOES vary depending upon where you are, and what Ghost you're after, however.
I don't remember in X, but as an example, in a place called the Old Chateau (I believe I spelled that right) in Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, pretty much the only thing you can catch is Gastly, and there's usually some place like that in each Game, where certain Ghosts are VERY common.
(Most Ghost-types are still rare, however.)
One thing I wanted to include (but couldn't, due to the text limit) was a section on the Move "Trick-or-Treat".
It's exclusive to Gourgeist, and it makes it's target part Ghost-type, which can be quite useful, as Ghost-type Moves are Super Effective against Ghost-types.
(Similar to Dragon-types.)
Additionally, if used as a Z-Move, it increases the user's Stats (Attack, Defense, Sp. Attack, Sp. Defense, and Speed), making it an EXTREMELY POWERFUL Move.
Also, Trick Room is good for slower Ghosts.
(I'll probably write a blog just about using Trick Room, BTW.)