Unlike Dragons, Ghosts, and Water-types, Ice-types have many weaknesses, and don't work well on nearly as many Types as those ones, either.
The strengths of the Ice-type are more unique, such as their ability to Freeze opponents, or their ability to take advantage of Hail.
1. The Snowstorm Strategy
Ever since Gen 4, the best strategy for most Ice-types has been the Blizzard+Hail combo.
In Hail Weather, Blizzard ALWAYS hits, and because Blizzard is quite powerful, hits multiple opponents, and can even Freeze them sometimes, this is an EXTREMELY effective strategy.
Add to this Abilities like Snow Cloak (which can be combined with Evasion increasing Moves and Held Items) and Ice Body (which can be combined with Leftovers, and even Aqua Ring), as well as the Gen 7 Move Aurora Veil (A 2 in 1 Light Screen+Reflect Move, that only works in Hail), and you have a VERY powerful Weather based strategy.
Also keep in mind that the Ability Snow Warning is ALWAYS the best way to make it Hail, as it doesn't take a turn to use it.
One advantage the "Snowstorm Strategy" has over other Weather based strategies, is it's less Weather dependent than most of them.
(Blizzard works fine in other Weather Conditions, and Aurora Veil doesn't disappear when it stops Hailing.)
2. Offensive Weaknesses
Ice-type Moves have trouble against Fire, Water, Ice, and Steel-type opponents, and it can be hard to cover all of those different weaknesses sometimes.
If learnable, Freeze-Dry is your best way of dealing with Water-types (just read my Water-type Blog, lol), and for Fire-types, Water Moves work well.
(Most Ice-types can at least learn Water Pulse, although it isn't very powerful.)
For Steel-types, Shadow Ball works good, as do Water-type Moves, but it's best if you have a secondary Type that either does OK against Steel-types (Water, Ghost, Dark, etc.), or good against them (like the Ice/Ground-type Mamoswine).
Many of the more Physical Ice-types can learn moves like Brick Break, or Earthquake, so these should be considered, as well.
3. Defensive Weaknesses
As always, if doing a Team focused on a single Type, it's best to have a variety of secondary Types, both for a variety of different Attacks, as well as to cover your common weaknesses.
In the case of Ice-types, you have to worry about Fire, Rock, Fighting, and Steel-type Moves.
There are many cool Ice/Water-types out there, and they fair well against both Fire and Steel-type Moves, as well as being able to use powerful Water-type Moves, which work well against both of those Types, as well.
For Fighting-types, there's always Froslass (one of my favorites), which is an Ice/Ghost-type, making it completely Immune to Fighting-type Moves.
Other good options include Articuno, Jynx, or an Alolan Ninetales, all of which are not only resistant to Fighting, but also have powerful Moves that do good against Fighting-types, as well.
(Froslass CAN learn both Psychic and Fairy-type Moves, as well.)
4. Freezing
Other than doing VERY well against Dragons, the biggest advantage of Ice-type Moves is their ability to Freeze.
Unfortunately, there's only a 10% chance of this happening, and very few ways to increase those odds.
The Ability Serene Grace increases the chances of Ice-type Moves Freezing, but as of Gen 7, there are no Ice-types that actually get this Ability.
If in a Double or Triple Battle, or a Battle Royal, using Blizzard increases the odds of SOMEONE getting Frozen, simply because it hits multiple opponents.
However, it's best not to try to Freeze your opponents, as it's too unreliable as a strategy.
Instead, Freezing should be looked at as a nice thing that happens occasionally when using your Ice-type Moves.
BTW, the highest possible chance of Freezing an opponent is 60%.
Hey, I have a request of you. Please don't use the Delayed Post feature unless you're going to post/undraft it around the time that it's delayed to, because otherwise, it appears above other blogs that were written after it.
I was just trying to avoid another incident like that one blog (the one I did for CM), that was several days behind, because it took multiple days to finish it.
(All because of repeated RL interruptions that I hadn't anticipated.)
Because of the somewhat chaotic nature of my RL situation, it can be hard to tell how long it will take to finish my blogs sometimes.
It would be a TON easier if I could just copy and paste, because I could remake a blog easily, without having to worry about how long it takes the first time.
Do you have any advice about how I should handle it?
The best thing you can do is set it two days ahead, write the blog, and undraft the blog sometime around 2 days after you first saved it (or, the time on the timestamp).
You're saying it's OK to delay the Blogs, as long as I REALLY delay them, and don't undraft them until the day I delayed them to.
That makes sense, and I HAVE done that before (like with those 3 Blogs around my Birthday), but when I finished this one in 1 day, I just thought "Wow! I'm already done? Better undraft it!", lol!
From now on, if I do something like this, I'll wait to release, at least until the same day I had previously delayed it to.
Also, an Ice-type version of Lava Plume/Discharge, with a 30% chance of Freezing would be nice.
Maybe call it "Diamond Dust", or something like that.
(Along with an Ice-type that can have Serene Grace for an Ability.)
I'd also still like some Move/Ability that causes Icy/Snowy Terrain, as well.
And as scary as being Frozen can be, I can say from personal experience that it's *usually* not as bad as it used to be (I remember it lasting well over 10 Turns in some of the older Games), and that there are at least ways of getting out of it, depending upon your Moves.
Many Fire-type Moves, such as Sacred Fire and Flare Blitz, thaw out the User if they are Frozen, and Scald (and I THINK Steam Eruption) do the same.
(And in Double/Triple Battles, using any Fire-type Move on your Teammate is an option, as well.)
Ice Shard is a GREAT Move, even for Ice-types that DON'T have a high Attack Stat, simply because it always goes first.
(Red's Lapras in tne PWT has gotten me with that one a few times.)
Icicle Crash is also a Great Move, although usually prefer Ice Punch, as it's 100 Accuracy, and can Freeze.