Modest, 252 Sp. Atk, 252 Def, 6 Speed.
Psyshock (Psychic if N/A), Dazzling Gleam (Calm Mind if N/A), Shadow Ball (or Ice Beam), Signal Beam.
Assault Vest (Expert Belt if N/A)
Timid, 252 Sp. Atk, 252 Speed, 6 HP.
Psyshock (Psychic if N/A), Dazzling Gleam (or Signal Beam), Fire Blast, Nasty Plot.
Focus Sash
Modest, 252 Sp. Atk, 252 Speed, 6 HP.
Magma Storm, Flash Cannon, Dragon Pulse, Earth Power.
Air Balloon (Shuca Berry if N/A)
Jolly, 252 Atk, 252 Speed, 6 HP.
Crush Grip, Drain Punch, Knock Off (Stone Edge in Gen 4/5), Power-up Punch (Earthquake or Protect if N/A).
Assault Vest (Chople Berry if N/A)
Modest, 252 Sp. Atk, 252 Def, 6 HP.
Psyshock (Psychic if N/A), Moonblast (Signal Beam if N/A), Calm Mind (or Charge Beam), Moonlight (or Shadow Ball).
Leftovers (or Assault Vest)
Wow you're smited in these comments, just wanna say Cresselia is way better as a tank and support. Because at 252 on both Sp.def and Def they're both over 300+ (I believe) also her signature lunar dance is just OP, after expending her uses as a support like getting sunlight/rain/blizzard or even toxic on, she's not really a hard hitter compared to other legendaries is what I'm sayin, like the ultra beasts for example.
I appreciate that rather than mocking me, like Thi and Luis did, you actually looked at my entire Moveset (not just 1 Move), analyzed it, gave a logical reason for disagreeing with it, and even offered a good alternative.
If everyone here did that (not just you and Joshdog), I would have NO complaints.
Should give more information to your builds, why you chose x over y. Just makes it easier to read instead of a long list. Hell, it’ll even give you a chance to get better if you take the point people are critiquing you onboard.
24 Jul 2019 06:50
In reply to Divine Crusader
If I hadn't reached my 2DS's text limit, I probably would've, but I thought that most of these were pretty straightforward, anyway.
And other than the Dragon-types (like that Naganadel in the Picture), I don't really use any of these all that often, and I came up with these by just glancing at their Stats, potential Moves, and Abilties, on Serebii.
To be honest, I mainly did this one because a few people asked for Movesets for some of the Legendaries listed here on my previous Legendary Moveset Blog, and if they hadn't, I probably wouldn't have even made this.
(I'm beginning to Wish that I hadn't, lol!)
A good example of why 2 turn moves are bad in competitives. Sure, that was Dig but if it was Fly, I could switch into something that can take the hit and easily one shot Lando in return. A couple examples:
Choice Scarf Skill Link Cloyster. Cloyster has amazing physical defense and with Choice Scarf, it can outspeed Lando (Therian Forme) then proceed to pummel Lando with Icicle Spear next turn.
Gyarados. With Intimidate, that Fly will be much weaker (by 33%; it doesn't seem much but in competitives, it is) and Gyarados could easily take the hit because of Intimidate. On the following turn, Gyarados can Mega Evolve, follow up with Waterfall Lando, potentially one shotting it, then possibly proceed to sweep the rest of your team. Basically, you've giving Gyarados a free turn to Mega Evolve then counter with Waterfall (or Ice Fang/Ice Beam in rare occasions).
I know you'll say you could counter by switching Lando for something else but what if I predicted the switch and choose another attack instead? Maybe I would choose an attack that is expected to be weak against the switching in Pokemon because I know it will be something that can resist Lando's weakness but could be weak to another attack I have. I will likely know what Pokemon that's switching in, thanks to Team Previewer (the thing right before the match).
Or I could use the expected switch in for a free Dragon Dance or any other setup moves (Stealth Rocks, Tailwind, Mega Evolve, etc).
Judging from the movesets on some of your Pokemon sets (like Mind Reader and Sheer Cold; that's a free switch in) and the comments from people I've battle at least once, I'm starting to question if you really play in competitives or VGC-like environments. Normally, I wouldn't add comments like this but the fact you're defending a 2 turn move, I have to add this comment. Listen, the competitive scene is nothing like what you probably think. There's some high level thoery-crafting, finding ways to exploit every game mechanics as much as possible, and of course a lot of game theory (basically predicting your opponent's next move based on everything they know in the battle). Best way I could describe competitive battling is like Chess. Everything depends on predicting your opponent's next move and act accordingly to counter it. You'll also need to take into account of the meta (or in other words, what Pokemon is considered popular based on versatility and not just power). Basically, you're looking for something that's closest to a queen in Pokemon terms. What I'm about to say could invalidate everything I've said in this comment but even though I never have entered VGCs, I did participate in official online competitions during Pokemon ORAS. It's no joke. You can't use legendaries and have to rely on non-legendaries (usually what's in the meta or anything that could counter meta Pokemon). At one point, I did get a 1700 ranking in one of the competitions and it was no easy feat. I had to readjust my team from time to time in hopes I can get a better chance against the higher rankings. Eventually, I gave up (and I had other obligations in real life) but at least I can say had experience. I can also say that I certainly have not seen a Pokemon use 2 turn moves in the competition (other than a Geomancy + Power Herb Baton Pass Smeargle).
I know you want to do your own thing here but it simply will not work in competitives and it will not get you very far in the higher rankings/placements/etc. As I've said, teams are optimized based on what is allowed and game mechanics. I keep suggesting to look at Smogon but I remember you can't get on that site with a 3DS so my next best suggestion is to look up Pimpnite, PokeaimMD, or False Swipe Gaming on Youtube.
24 Jul 2019 06:31
In reply to Star Shadow
I really am getting tired of having to repeat myself, as I've said it MANY times before, including to you (once, on my Tiering System Blog), but I am NOT a Competitive Player, nor have I ever claimed to be.
And while you have valid points, you seem to be overlooking something fairly obvious: Landorus could be switched out as well.
If Landorus were faster, and a Gyarados was pulled out, it would indeed Intimidate it, and reduce Fly's damage (although if Swords Dance was used beforehand, this would negate this), and (assuming Swords Dance WASN'T used) it would inflict 2/3 damage.
I get that a 2 Turn Move effectively gives them an advance notice of your next Move, but that's only an issue under certain circumstances, just as switching out when your opponent uses one is only warranted under certain circumstances, as well.
And even though I'm getting tired of saying this, as well, I can't play YouTube Videos (or any other Videos, for that matter) ATM, as my ONLY Internet enabled device (unless a DS Lite counts) is my 2DS, and my YouTube App hasn't been working on it lately.
Just to appease the angry mob of Competitive Players that keep attacking my Blog, I may switch out Fly for Knock Off (which y'all seem to like), and replace Sheer Cold and Mind Reader with Aurora Veil (with Reflect being listed as an alternative) and a Flying-type Hidden Power.
Well, IMO, Regigigas is kinda useless outside of Double/Triple/Multi Battles, due to it's Ability.
Obviously, an Assault Vest and Psych up would be incompatible, and that's why I went with these Moves.
(You'd obviously have to pair it with something that could get rid of it's Slow Start, though.)
Lol Z Psych Up implies that Regigas is equipped with a Z crystal.
Check out the effect of that move, it is the only move that completely heals Regigas, bypasses Taunt and also steals stat boosts! A truly blessing for a Pokemon that needs a bunch of turns to catch up and doesn't have protect.
Running sheer cold, or any other OHKO move seems like a wasted slot to me. I think I get what you're going for there with that Articuno run, and admitedly, I don't know Articuno's movepool or base stats off the top of my head, but still. That seems like a waste of Articuno. Especially with a 4x weakness to rock.
23 Jul 2019 17:05
In reply to IblisFlare
Well, that's what tne Charti Berry's for.
And yeah, Mind Reader+Sheer Cold is a good combo, provided you get the chance to use 2 Moves.
23 Jul 2019 17:15
In reply to Draconid_Jo
I know, but that's still 2x damage. And I've since looked at Articuno's stats, and it doesn't exactly have an incredible HP stat to make use of the defenses it has.
23 Jul 2019 17:21
In reply to IblisFlare
Well, I have to come up with some kind of Moveset for it, lol!
It's Defense IS low, but there ARE ways of compensating for it, particularly in a Double or Triple Battle.
(Intimidate, Delta Stream, Reflect, etc.)
Although I reached the text limit, I was able to cover all of the "Minor Legendaries", which weren't covered in the first Blog.
(Latios and Latias were in the first Blog, BTW, because of how Soul Dew is usually prohibited in the same places as the Major Legendaries.)