I'm very thankful to have made many Friends here, quite a few of whom not only appreciate my Blogs, but have also benefited from the advice I give in them.
That's why I'm doing these Blogs: To help those who can use the information I provide, and the advice I give.
Obviously, the average Competitive Player here has a pretty solid grasp of the "Metagame", and doesn't really need any information I could possibly provide them with, especially considering that I'VE NEVER BATTLED COMPETITIVELY.
Now, IF a Competitive Player actually DOES learn something from one of my Blogs (and is actually willing to admit it), then I have no problem with that whatsoever.
26 Jul 2019 18:28
In reply to Gemini Guardian
Yeah, lol, I might've overdid it a little.
I just wanted it to be completely clear what exactly my 20 years if experience are, and how my Blogs are intended to be used, as for some reason, Competitive Players always seem to assume I'm just writing shoddy "competitive guides", when in reality, I'm just trying to help Casual Players, like you.