To choose a starter you have to know the way you battle if your new search up the starter pokemon to see what appeals to you if you played pokemon before then here how most starters battle. Grass types are one of my favourites because they are a mix of Fire and Water, They can if leveled up the right way( by leveled up right I mean no stones just hard work and effort) they can take a whole lot of damage and deal a lot out(ex Torterra is 2 stage of turtwig, Torterra can be like wall that that hold up a lot from pokemon it is battling). If your a big of damge than you love Fire types they can dish out loads of damage however they cant take a lot damage tho so be careful and if you Fire types than Carry Potions with if you have high level Pokemon than Hyper potion are your best bet and also carry full revives too. All Right Water types love Water types there are defensive so they can take a lot of damage they also if leveled up right can deal a lot of damage it good to carry PP ups for all types because good move mostly have less PP( if you didn't know PP are power point you have them to see how many time you can use attacks if you have no PP for an attack than you can use it) thank for reading my blog please up vote if you want me to do more and also comment too that help to see what I can do better at
P.S thanks to Draconid_Jo i was inspired to right a Pokeblog Thanks Jo your the best
I'd add that Water-type Starters are pretty versatile, as they have few Type weaknesses (both offensively and defensively), that Fire-type Starters (generally speaking) are pretty fast, and can do Super Effective Moves against a lot of different Types, and that Grass-type Starters ability to use Moves like Giga Drain, Leech Seed, and Synthesis, allow them to recover HP in Battle, which is always handy.
BTW, why the heck didn't Thi Feature this?
(It obviously DOES deserve to be Featured, as it's both helpful and accurate.)