Each Nature raises 1 Stat by 10%, and lowers 1 Stat by 10%, and 5 of them (Hardy, Docile, Serious, Bashful, and Quirky) raise the same Stat that they lower, with the result being no impact on Stats whatsoever.
I just HAD to make another Blog, since I'm still able to log into Paint (for now), and may try to make a few more, while I still can.
(I don't think I'll feel up to writing the 3rd Chapter of MoD until this I'm through all of this annoying RL stuff with my dad, though.)
One more thing I thought I should mention here, is the effect that Moves have on Stats during Battle.
Basically, every Move that effects Stats raises or lowers "Counters", which act as a multiplier, and either raise or lower your Stats, depending on how many you have in that Stat.
The way negative Counters work is the same, except that you use division, rather than multiplication.
-1 Counters means you divide by 1.5, -2 means you divide by 2, -3 means you divide by 2.5, up to -6 Counters (the Minimum), which divides a Stat by 4.
(Which means ¼ Damage dealt, if done to Attack or Sp. Attack, or 4× Damage received, if done to Defense or Sp. Defense.)