Based on a possibly true story of a member. Or not. Never confirmed though.
Twas a seemingly normal day.
I work my hours for my biweekly pay.
For you see, I work at a celluar store.
Suddenly, my manager ordered me to the upper floor.
I turn to him and say "Why?" I inquire.
He responds, "More Inventory we require."
I complied and took to the stairs.
As I ascend, I feel a change in the air.
Upon arrival, I felt a refreshing breeze.
Despite this, I somehow felt unease.
The upper floor usually blazes with sweltering heat.
The wind sings in the room as I feel my heartbeat.
"Did someone open the window?"
I searched around for more info.
Nay, not a window was released.
However, a door was open to the east.
"Did we have an intruder?"
I followed the door used by the alleged looter.
As I exit, the sun pierced my eyes.
I took a moment to recomprise.
There was no one in sight.
It was windy and the sun was bright.
I walked near the edge and admired the view.
However, I felt something moved under my shoe.
I felt like I was sinking.
Was the floor beneath me thinning?
Then without warning, I fell.
The floor gave way, sending me to hell.
As I fall, I reflected upon my life in flash.
After a couple moments, this peril ended with a crash.
I was surrounded by cellular merchandise.
I survived and avoided my untimely demise.
However, I was in so much pain.
I think I hit my head and injured my brain.
My manager was shocked and called the ambulance.
Involuentarily, I believe I may have soiled my pants.
Indeed I fell through the roof.
With a painful thud, I uttered an "Oof".
It was quite wack.
I ruptured every disk in my back.
I was just a lad.
Now I'm far glad.
People here write poetry that doesn't rhyme and it still gets featured? Either I should write more poetry or complain to Hull about this. Might likely do the former.
No banjos been playing too much Emblem Emblem 3 houses, and the edge and his waifu (Edelguard) is mentally draining his health away. From my speculation Its the opposite, in reality people rhyme TOO much on here.which is very obvious becauze their poems get super irrelevent for the sake of rhyme. So like na
14 Sep 2019 03:58
In reply to Star Shadow
Well, remember: It's Poetry and Lyrics now, so that's part of the reason why.
In fact, most of my "Poems" were actually Written as Lyrics.
(I still made sure they Rhymed for the most part, though.)