Since I'm the only Weeb here with a Japanese Quote from a Video Game Character (written in Japanese Kanji, too, no less) for a Signature, I figured I'd make a Blog to explain it.
First of all, my Signature in Romaji is:
……Souzouryoku ga Tarinaiyo —Denshousha Higana
Now, as for the Quote itself, most of the Online Translators I entered it into translated it as "Imagination is not enough", however, in the actual Games, she says this twice (with slightly different punctuation each time), and the first time it's translated (in Game) as "You guys need some imagination", while the second time is translated as "It looks like it's beyond the power of your imagination".
(My Signature Quote is the latter, which is shown in the Picture at the top of this Blog, in Japanese.)
Now, I don't know a lot of Japanese, but based upon the situations in which she says this, and based upon the Kanji Characters used, I would actually assume that the 2nd in-Game Translation is the most accurate, as "Souzouryoku" means "Power of Imagination".
As for the context in which it is said, I'll need to explain certain things about the Storyline of the Δ Episode, in order for it to make sense.
The Δ Episode is essentially about a giant Meteor (know as the "Grand Meteor Delta", in the Manga), heading towards the Earth, threatening to cause a Mass Extinction Event (similar to what wiped out the Dinosaurs IRL).
Now, the Space Center guys and the Devon guys aren't the only ones who know about the Meteor's approach.
An Ancient Tribe of Dragon Masters, known as the Draconids (or the "Ryuusei no Tami, in Japanese) also know about it, and foresaw it's arrival over a thousand years ago.
The Draconids have their own plan for dealing with it, by having their Chosen Lorekeeper, Zinnia, Summon Lord Rayquaza to the Dragonhark Altar (at the top of Sky Pillar), and to have her Mega Evolve Rayquaza, and ride Mega Rayquaza into Space, and shatter the Meteor to pieces by using the Move "Dragon Ascent".
This "Other World" the Draconids speak of is the one in which the original Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald Versions take place, which the person playing the Game may or may not be aware of, but that the Mossdeep/Devon guys are definitely not aware of.
Zinnia busts into the Mossdeep Space Center, and (among other things) steals the Dimensional Shifter.
Afterwords, she explains the Legends of this "Other World", and goes on to explain how this "Dimensional Shifter" of theirs will relocate the Meteor directly above the Other World's Hoenn Region, and explains that in that World, using such technology to save themselves isn't an option, as the technology doesn't even exist there.
During this conversation, she even asks the Player if what she's saying makes sense (what you say doesn't affect the progression of the Story, though), but the Mossdeep/Devon guys, however, aren't interested in hearing what she has to say, and are only concerned about saving their World.
Then, she says "It looks like it's beyond the power of your imagination", and crushes the Dimensional Shifter in her hand.
To me, however, that's one of the defining moments of the Δ Episode, and that is one of Zinnia's best lines.
When she says this, she is saying to those people that they can't even open their minds to the possibility that there is something VERY wrong with their thinking, and with what they are planning to do, and that it is "beyond the power of their imaginations" to even consider the Truths which she is trying to share with them.
This just confirms my suspicion that literally everything you say on this site has a deeper meaning.
14 May 2020 03:30
In reply to GuiedGui
Lol, so you're catching on…
I'll need to keep an eye on you, lol!
14 May 2020 03:33
In reply to Draconid_Jo
Looks like I'll have to resist the urge to analyze everything you say on the spot
14 May 2020 03:34
In reply to GuiedGui
That's a good idea, lol! (Although certain things that I say are pretty straightforward, though.)
14 May 2020 03:39
In reply to Draconid_Jo
Haha, true.
Looking at your parenthetical statements are kinda fun, ngl
14 May 2020 03:42
In reply to GuiedGui
Yep lol, I do those a lot, don't I?
It's one of my many quirks, lol! (Because I have a Quirky Nature, lol!)
14 May 2020 04:29
In reply to Draconid_Jo
True, it's what makes you unique on this site
(Unless I start doing it too)
14 May 2020 04:41
In reply to GuiedGui
You think you're clever, don't you? (Although you are pretty clever, TBH.)
14 May 2020 04:48
In reply to Draconid_Jo
Fufufu it was just a tongue-and-cheek statement
14 May 2020 05:05
In reply to GuiedGui
IK lol, I was just messing with you. (Or was I?)
14 May 2020 05:09
In reply to Draconid_Jo
Haha I caught on to that part. That was an interesting joke... or was it? Hey VSauce, Michael here.
14 May 2020 05:18
In reply to GuiedGui
I haven't the foggiest idea what you're talking about, lol! (Or do I?)
14 May 2020 05:21
In reply to Draconid_Jo
If you do, mad respect for being a man of culture with only a 2DS and change
14 May 2020 05:33
In reply to GuiedGui
Yeah, there are a lot of things that IDK about, but just by watching over-the-air TV, and by paying attention to things I see in the shows that my dad streams, and stuff like that, I can pick up on certain things. (Not to mention all of the stuff Ive secretly looked up online on this 2DS of mine, lol!)
I mean, I figured out all of this stuff about my signature just by playing around with that Eudict translation website, and looking at in-game pictures of Zinnia talking in Japanese (like the one above) that I found online while looking for Zinnia fanart.
(Which is partly because I was doing my web searches in Japanese, BTW.)
14 May 2020 05:38
In reply to Draconid_Jo
Amazing what you can do even with only a 2DS, huh?
14 May 2020 06:01
In reply to GuiedGui
i won't read what's in the spoiler, since i want to play the game and have it all a surprise :o
but that's a really nice signature
15 Sep 2019 22:11
In reply to Gemini Guardian
I figured that even those who aren't familiar with the Storyline, and who don't want it spoiled (in case they plan on playing through it eventually) would still find it interesting to understand the different possible translations.