I'd like to thank Siling-La, both for providing me a workplace to work on Chapter III, and also for assisting me in making this glossary; and also Gemini Guardian, for copying both from that workplace of Siling's, and pasting them into their respective blogs for me. Chapter I Glossary
Adaman (from Adam, and Adamantium.)
The God of War.
His worship (Adamantism) is the Official State Religion in Evilonia, and everyone is legally required to practice it.
Adaman is a Humanoid God, and is also considered Evil.
Asgard (name is from Norse Mythology.)
MoD's version of Heaven.
It is where the Humanoid Gods (both Good and Evil) reside, and where those who worship Good Gods go when they die.
AE (After Evilonia)
The number of years since Evilonia's founding.
They don't have phones in Midgard.
Instead, everyone uses a form of Telepathy, that works much the same way.
When Characters are using Telepathy, the dialogue looks like {this}, as opposed to "this".
The Dragonslayer (AKA Datenshi, which is Japanese for "Fallen Angel")
An enormous Meteor that struck Midgard at the end of the Cretaceous.
It supposedly wiped out all of the large Archosaurs (Dinosaurs, Giant Crocodilians, Dragons, etc.), but in Akushina, they believe some survived.
Evilonia (from Evil, and ???.)
Once a medium-sized Kingdom (about the size of India IRL), in the past 1000 years, Evilonia has become a vast Empire, dominating the western half of Terrapin (the main continent).
Evilonia is currently engaged in a bloody war against the two other major World Powers: Velnir (which is similar to Russia), and Akushina (similar to China, but also partly based on Japan), in the east.
Freak Gene
A unique genetic mutation, occuring only in Helena Dusklight.
It is responsible for her abnormal appearance, as well as her IPP rating of 0.
In battle, it causes her Defense stat to match her Attacker's Attack stat, whenever she is hit by a Physical Attack.
Helena Dusklight (from Hel, Norse Goddess of the Underworld.)
The Main Character.
She is the "Master of Death".
Helheim (name is from Norse Mythology.)
MoD's version of Hell.
All those who worship Evil Gods go there when they die.
In another part of Helheim is where the Drow (Dark Elves) reside.
IEA and IEM (Imperial Evilonian Army, and Imperial Evilonian Magi.)
The two main branches of the Evilonian Military.
Anyone with an IPP of 6 or higher is forced to join the IEA, and anyone with an IMP of 6 or higher must join the IEM.
(If both are above 6, and are equally high, you are allowed to choose which you join.)
IPP and IMP (Innate Physical Power, and Innate Magical Power.)
A form of measurement used to determine one's potential as a Melee Class or Spellcaster.
These normally range between 1 and 10, and 0 and 10, respectively (for humans, anyway), and don't ever change under normal circumstances, even as the individual levels up, and raises their skills.
An IMP rating of 0 means the person can never use Magic, except by using Magical Items.
They can still Pray for Miracles, however.
Midgard (name is from Norse Mythology.)
The Mortal Realm, where most of the Mortal Races live (as well as the Ghosts of those who died, and didn't go to Asgard or Helheim).
Misandria Adamantia (from Misandry, and Adaman.)
The current Queen of Evilonia.
She is married to Andrew Evenstein-Adamantia (he assumed the Adamantia name upon marriage), the former King of Evenstein (which is now a part of the Evilonian Empire), and has four daughters: Winter, Spring, Summer, and Autumn.
Necrofyrmythyr (from Necromancy, and Ether.)
An Ancient Shadow Dragon who lived during the Jurassic, about 200 MYA.
Despite becoming a Dracolich, and living for over 100 Million Years, she was killed by The Dragonslayer at the end of the Cretaceous.
A Magical device used to measure IPP and IMP, as well as check for abnormal Genes.
A small town in Evilonia, located fairly close to Evilonia's Capitol: Palatia.
Chapter II Glossary
Aesir (Name is from Norse Mythology.)
The original Gods who inhabitted Asgard, before the Current World Order began.
Alfheim (Name is from Norse Mythology.)
In MoD, this is the portion of Asgard which is still currently occupied by the Light Elves, as well as the Tenshi (Angels), and the Aesir (the original Asgardian Gods).
Balroth (Name is a combination of both Balrog and Morgoth, as well as both Baal, and roth, which means red in German. Balroth is also known as "The Snake", after the Serpent in the Garden of Eden.)
MoD's version of The Devil.
They are the God of Evil, and have ruled over Muspelheim ever since the Current World Order began.
They are considered an Evil, non-humanoid God.
Current World Order (from the Conspiracy Theorist term "New World Order".)
The way the World functions ever since Datenshi struck Midgard, 65 MYA.
In the Current World Order, those who Worship Evil Gods go to Muspelheim, those who Worship Good Gods go to Vanaheim, and those who Worship Neutral Gods, such as the Nature Gods, become Ghosts, and reside in Midgard for all Eternity.
Dark Magic
Basically, this is what in most Fantasy Games would be considered Necromancy, minus the whole "Raising the Dead" part.
In MoD, that Raising The Dead is unique to Helena Dusklight.
(Or is it?)
The Oldest known Religion.
It was the Religion of the Dragons and their Kin, Millions of years ago, and is also the Official State Religion of Akushina, and is widely practiced there.
Unlike the people of Evilonia, the Akushinese have Religious Freedom, however.
The Dark Elves.
They once ruled over all of Helheim, but when the Current World Order began, they were driven out of most of their homeland, by Balroth and their Demonic hordes.
They now reside in Svartalfheim.
The oldest of the humanoid races (other than some of the Fairy Folk, to whom they are closely related), there are 3 main categories of Elves: The Dark Elves of Helheim, the Light Elves of Asgard, and the various Nature Elves of Midgard.
While the Dark and Light Elves mainly Worship the Primal Gods of Death and Life respectively, the Nature Elves mostly Worship Evelyn, the Peace Goddess.
Evelyn (From Eve, Elven, and Evangelical.)
The Goddess of Peace.
She resides within Alfheim, alongside all of the other Aesir, as well as the Light Elves, and the Tenshi (Angels).
Her Worship, known as Evelynism, is widely practiced (albeit secretly) in Evilonia, and it is also the Official State Religion of Velnir.
Although the Velnirese do have Religious Freedom, most of them Worship her, anyway.
Go to Hell
A Dark Magic Spell that Teleports the Caster to Svartalfheim.
Helena Blackheart
The Empress of The Drow.
She is the most powerful Dark Mage alive (other than Helena Dusklight), and has an IPP/IMP rating of 10/14, as well as the "Darkness Gene".
Magical Rucksack
A Magical bag that can carry a nearly infinite amount of items.
(In RPG terms, it's your Inventory.)
Mordecai Grimsoul
The head of the Dark Elven Dark Mages Guild.
He is the 2nd most powerful Dark Magi among the Drow, and has an IPP/IMP rating of 9/12.
Muspelheim (Name is from Norse Mythology)
The portion of Helheim now occupied by Balroth and their Demons.
This is where those who Worship Evil Gods go, and are tortured there by Balroth and their minions for all Eternity.
Old World Order (From the Conspiracy Theorist term "New World Order".)
The way the World worked before Datenshi struck Midgard, 65 MYA.
Back then, rather than going to Asgard or Helheim, all those who died became Ghosts, until they found a suitable Body to reincarnate into.
Also, neither Asgard nor Helheim were divided back then, and those who now reside within Alfheim and Svartalfheim inhabitted ALL of Asgard and Helheim respectively.
Slick Rotfink
An infamous Balroth Worshipper who lived in Shadewood long ago, and was executed after sacrificing 13 innocent children to Balroth, in a botched Demon Summoning Ritual.
Svartalfheim (Name is from Norse Mythology.)
The portion of Helheim where the Drow now reside.
Vanaheim (Name is from Norse Mythology.)
The region of Asgard where the Vanir (the Gods who appeared after the Current World Order began) reside.
Chapter III Glossary
Akushinese Draconism
The version of Draconism which the Akushinese practice.
The primary difference between Akushinese Draconism and Primeval Draconism is that the Akushinese rever Dragons as Deities, especially the Golden Dragon, Kinryuu, whom the Akushinese regard as their Creator.
Andrew Evenstein-Adamantia (From Andro, Evelyn, and Stone.)
The former King of the Evelynist Kingdom of Evenstein.
For reasons that remain unclear (only because I don't want to reveal it yet, lol), rather than conquering the Kingdom of Evenstein through War, Queen Misandria Adamantia decided to extend a Marriage Proposal to Andrew, who accepted, fearing War would ravage his Kingdom otherwise.
Although Misandria hates Evelynism, she allowed him to not only keep practicing his Faith (albeit in secret), but even allowed him to raise their 4 Daughters as Evelynists, as well.
(Only because they chose to become Evelynists, however.)
Arctica (From Arctic, and Antarctica.)
Other than the Supercontinent of Terrapin (which is where Evilonia, Akushina, and Velnir all reside), there is only 1 other Continent in Midgard, and it's Arctica.
Arctica is uninhabited by Humans, and most other Humanoid Races, and very little is known about it, other than that Humanoid Races of Terrapin are only allowed there under certain circumstances, as per the conditions of an Ancient Treaty between them and the Yuki-onna, the only Humanoid Race known to live there.
Autumn Evelynia
The youngest of the 4 Princesses of Evilonia.
Like her 3 Sisters, she is a devout Evelynist, despite having to pretend to be an Adamantist in public (to avoid creating a controversy), and even having to go to the Church of Adaman.
Her, her Sisters, and her Father all attend a 2nd Evelynist Church, as well, which is hidden within the Royal Palace.
Autumn tends to be a bit shy, and she's somewhat of a Bookworm.
She is VERY knowledgeable about Paleontology and Geology, and spends much of her time reading about these subjects with her oldest Sister, Winter.
She also has an extensive Fossil Collection, the largest in all of Midgard, and whenever she isn't reading about Prehistoric Life, she's usually Digging up Fossils of them.
Cryofyrmythyr (From Cryogenian, and Ether.)
A Crystalline Dragon that Winter met while she was in Akushina.
According to what she told Winter, she survived Datenshi by freezing herself using her Magic, deep within the Ice Caves of the northern Continent of Arctica.
She is one of 2 Dragons known to have survived Datenshi, the other being Kinryuu.
Dragon Magic.
It is typically regarded as the most powerful School of Magic, and includes a wide array of different Spells, including many that combine Dragon Element Magic with Physical Melee Attacks.
(Similar to "Dragon Slayer Magic," from the Anime Series, Fairy Tail.)
It also includes Summoning Spells, that allow the Caster to Summon Dragonkin (and other Reptiles, and even Fish, as well) from other Planes of Existence, as well as Enchantments that make the Caster take on Dragonlike Characteristics, such as Scales.
The 2 Classes that are best at Dracomancy are Dragon Masters and Dragon Knights, although certain other Classes (such as Druids and Monks) also are better than average at this type of Magic.
(Draconists have an innate affinity for this type Magic, as well, and Helena is actually fairly decent at Dracomancy.)
Dragon Knight
A Hybrid Melee/Priest Class, somewhat similar to a Paladin.
The primary difference between a Dragon Knight and a Paladin, is that while Paladins use predominantly Light Element Magic (including a lot of powerful Healing Spells, and Magic that works well against Demons and Undead), Dragon Knights instead use Dracomancy, and oftentimes combine their Magic with their Melee Attacks.
(Paladins combine their Magic with Melee attacks, as well.)
Aside from Winter Evelynia, every Dragon Knight in the World is a Draconist.
Dragon Master
A Priest Class that specializes in using Dracomancy.
While they aren't as physically strong as Dragon Knights, they are significantly better at Dracomancy, and can still be a force to be reckoned with in close combat, due to their ability to enhace their Melee capabilities with their Dracomancy.
The true name of the Kingdom of Evilonia, as well as the true name of the Royal Family.
Over 1,000 years ago, Malva Evelynia changed the name of the Kingdom to Evilonia, and changed her own last name to Adamantia, when she broke her Kingdom's "Peace Goddess Pact" with Evelyn, and formed the "War God Pact" with Adaman, instead.
A Race of Monsters similar to regular Goblins, only more powerful, and more Evil, as well.
Like regular Goblins, Hobgoblins are sneaky, preferring to use trickery, rather than brute force.
Unlike regular Goblins, however, Hobgoblins tend to Worship Balroth, and also are skilled at using Neuromancy.
The Union of The Snake is comprised primarily of Hobgoblins, who use their Neuromancy to disguise themselves as Humans, as well as to manipulate people into doing what they want.
Ino Akusho (From the word "Inner", and from Akushina.)
The current Empress of Akushina.
She is a Dragon Master, and is generally regarded as the most powerful person in the World.
(Although Misandria Adamantia, Vladimir Velnirov, Helena Dusklight, and Winter Evelynia are certainly close contenders.)
She has an IPP/IMP Rating of 12/15, and also possesses the "Golden Dragon Gene".
She is also one of the few Humans to have met Kinryuu, the Golden Dragon Worshipped by the Akushinese.
Kazanians (From the Japanese word "Kazan", which means "Volcano", as well as Khazarian.)
An Ethnic Group indigenous to a Region of Western Velnir.
Historically, they have been persecuted ruthlessly (and unjustly), and are the target of many Racist Conspiracy Theories today.
This is primarily due to the fact that Lumin Redshield, and a few of the other members of the Union of The Snake, disguise themselves in the Illusion of Kazanian Humans, although most of the other members disguise themselves as other Races of Humans, and none of the members are actually Human in the first place.
Kinryuu (From "Kin", meaning "Gold" in Japanese, and from "Ryuu", meaning Dragon.)
A powerful Golden Dragon, whom the Akushinese credit with creating the Human Race.
Kinryuu is one of only 2 Dragons known to have survived Datenshi, although it remains unclear how exactly he survived.
One of the oldest Humanoid Races in Midgard, dating back to the Jurrasic.
(They are actually even older than the Elves.)
While they are called "Lizardmen", they are actually more closely related to Theropods, and are one of the few types of Archosaurs to have survived Datenshi.
Like all other Reptiles in Midgard, they are Primeval Draconists, and mostly keep to themselves, and other Primeval Draconists.
(They do get along fairly well with the Elves, however, as well as the Akushinese.
Lumin Redshield (From Illuminati, Lucifer, and Rothschild.)
The Leader of the Union of The Snake.
He is the richest person in all of Midgard, and very little is known about him.
He owns a massive company, Redshield International, that owns many other businesses throughout the Evilonian Empire, as well as the Suna Region, and even doing some business (illegally) in Akushina and Velnir.
Unlike the other members of the Union of The Snake, he isn't a Hobgoblin, although what exactly he is remains a mystery…
According to official records, he has an IPP/IMP Rating of 1/0, although few people actually believe this to be true.
Malva Adamantia (From Malevolent, and Adaman.)
She is both the last Queen of Evelynia, and the founding Queen of Evilonia.
Over 1,000 years ago, she was convinced (by the Union of The Snake) to break the "Peace Goddess Pact" that the Kingdom of Evelynia had with Evelyn, and form a new "War God Pact" with Adaman, instead.
She was told that by doing so, she would be able to spread Evelynia's Wealth and Prosperity all over the World, as well as to ensure that no other Kingdom would ever pose a threat, despite the fact that the Peace Goddess Pact had kept the Kingdom safe for thousands of years beforehand.
When she did this, she also changed the Kingdom's name to Evilonia, and changed her own name to Adamantia.
Mental Magic.
Most Magic affecting the Mind, or one's Perception of Reality, belongs to this School of Magic, including things such as Mind Control, Hypnotic Suggestion, and Illusions, as well as things like Psychokinesis.
(The Telepathic abilty used to "call" people, however, is completely unrelated to Neuromancy, and is even usable by those who don't have Magic.)
Helena is quite skilled at using Neuromancy, and she learned quite a bit about using it from the Drow, whom are generally regarded as the best Neuromancers in the World.
(Although the Union of The Snake's Neuromancers are even better.)
Peace Goddess Pact
The Pact between the Kingdom of Evelynia, and the Goddess Evelyn.
Under the terms of the agreement, as long as the Royal Family of Evelynia continued to Worship Evelyn, didn't start any unnecessary Wars, and allowed it's population to freely practice whatever Faith they Wished, the Kingdom would be Blessed by Evelyn with both Peace and Prosperity, and would never be attacked or invaded by any other Kingdom.
Despite the fact that the Evelynians received everything they were promised, Malva Evelynia still broke the Pact, and formed a new Pact with the War God, Adaman, instead.
Primeval Draconism
The version of Draconism practiced by Dragonkin.
It is (by far) the oldest Religion in Midgard, and surprisingly, very little is known about it.
With few exceptions (like Helena Dusklight), most Primeval Draconists are not Humanoid, but rather non-Humanoids, such as Dragons, Drakes, Wyverns, Dinosaurs, Crocodilians, etc.
The only Humanoid Races known to practice this form of Draconism are the Lizardmen, the Draconians, the Merfolk, and the Yuki-onna, all of whom lived during the Old World Order, and all of whom have little interaction with the less Ancient Races.
The Akushinese have a somewhat better understanding of Primeval Draconism, however, since they too are Draconists, and get along fairly well with the Races mentioned above.
Ragnarok (Name is from Norse Mythology.)
An Endless War, which is supposed to take place on the Battlefield of Valhalla, in Asgard, once the Valkyrie Conquers the World.
Spring Evelynia
The 2nd oldest of the 4 Princesses.
Like Winter, she tends to be more mature, and not as childish as Summer or Autumn, only unlike Winter, she tends to express normal Human Emotions, and generally behaves more normally.
Of the 4 Sisters, she is the most Religious, and not only reads the Book of Evelyn regularly, but even pays attention during her time in the Church of Adaman, as well, and regularly reads the Book of Adaman, despite being an Evelynist.
In addition to her interest in Religion, she is also fond of Plants and Animals, and spends much of her time Gardening, or going on Nature Walks in Forests and other such places.
She is a Druid, and is quite fluent in Elvish, and is also quite knowledgeable about Elven Culture, as well as the differences between Evelynian, Velnirese, Sunarian, and Elven Evelynism.
Summer Evelynia
The 3rd oldest of the Princesses.
She tends to be rather immature, even compared to Autumn and Helena (both of whom are younger than her), but she is actually pretty smart, despite her immaturity.
Although she is a devout Evelynist like her Sisters, she actually enjoys Battle (like her Mother), and tends to spend more time with her Mom than the other 3 Sisters, as a result.
She is a Berserker, and is also quite skilled in Pyromancy (Fire Magic), and is a force to be reckoned with in Battle.
The Suna Region (from the Japanese word "Suna", meaning "Sand".)
A Desert Region located between the Evilonian Empire and Akushina, and also bordering Velnir in certain places.
It is fairly large (roughly the size of the "Greater Middle East" IRL, which is what it is primarily based off of), and is comprised of many medium to small sized Nations, almost all of which are Evelynist.
(There are an increasing number of Adamantists in the Suna Region, however, due to Evilonia's Military presence there.)
It is currently the Front Line in the War between Evilonia and the V.A.C.P., and the War has ravaged the Region, and killed millions of the native populations of the various Kingdoms there.
In the eastern Deserts of the Suna Region, near the Akushinese Border, there is a place known as the Dragon Boneyard, which is one of the best places to find large Archosaur Fossils in the World.
Tuatara's Eye (From Tuatara, a type of Rhynchocephalian that is still alive, and has been around for over 200 million years.)
A Unique Dracomantic Spell that Winter created during her time in Akushina.
It allows her to see through all forms of deception, essentially working like a built in lie detector, as well as allowing her to see through all forms of Illusions, and also to see (and hear) Invisible (and Inaudible) things, such as Ghosts.
Although she always possesses this ability herself, she can also bestow it upon others (temporarily), allowing them to have the same benefits.
While Tuatara's Eye is quite powerful, it does NOT allow her to read minds, but merely to not fall for deception or trickery, and CANNOT be used to get information out of people that they are unwilling to give.
The only person whose Illusions are too powerful for her Eye to see through is Lumin Redshield, and she was still able to see partially through his Illusion, enough to tell that he was not a Human, at least.
Her Tuatara's Eye also can be used like a built in Potentiometer, to read people's IPP/IMP Ratings.
Tatsu Akusho (From the Japanese Word "Tatsu", which means "Dragon".)
The eldest Son of Ino Akusho, and Heir to the Akushinese Throne.
Like Winter, he is a Dragon Knight, with an IPP/IMP Rating of 10/10, and like his Mother, he possesses the "Golden Dragon Gene".
He is the 3rd most powerful Dracomancer among Humans, surpassed only by his Mother (who is the Best Human Dracomancer), and Winter (who is the 2nd Best).
He and Winter switched places for a year, during a Foreign Exchange Program devised by Misandria.
While Winter mastered Dracomancy during her time in Akushina, Tatsu didn't learn much Magic in Evilonia, although he did learn a lot about Evilonian Culture, and also became good Friends with the Royal Family.
The Union of The Snake (From "The Snake", another name for Balroth.)
According to Conspiracy Theorists all over Midgard, there is a Secret Society of Balrothists that have been controlling the Evilonian Government for over 1,000 years, and this group is known as the Union of The Snake.
While nobody (besides Winter) knows exactly who all of the members of the Union are, they are all wealthy individuals, who somehow managed to avoid Military Service (typically due to too low of IPP/IMP Ratings), are members of Noble Families, and who spend little to no time in Church, despite claiming to be Adamantists.
Additionally, all of the alleged members are Male, have no Wives or Children, and donate large sums of Money (in addition to paying Taxes) to the Evilonian Government, to aid in the War Effort.
While nobody really knows who the actual members of the Union are, almost everyone agrees that their Leader is Lumin Redshield.
The Velnir Akushina Cooperation Pact (AKA the V.A.C.P.)
A Military Pact between Akushina, Velnir, and a few smaller Nations.
Like N.A.T.O. IRL, an attack on 1 member is considered to be an attack on all members.
The War between the Evilonian Empire and the V.A.C.P. began when the Evilonians invaded a small Suna Region Nation that was a V.A.C.P. member.
The Valkyrie (Name is from Norse Mythology.)
The Chosen One of the War God, Adaman, who is supposed to Conquer all of Midgard, and bring about Ragnarok.
According to the Book of Adaman, the Valkyrie is supposed to be a Beautiful Woman, who is the Strongest Warrior (meaning a Melee Class, not necessarily a "Warrior", as Misandria is actually a Paladin) in the World, and whose Love of War is surpassed by none.
Misandria Adamantia believes that she is the Valkyrie, and all Evilonian Adamantists (and most non-Evilonian Adamantists) believe this, as well, as she matches the description of the Valkyrie perfectly, and is closer to Conquering all of Midgard than any Human ever has been.
Valhalla (Name is from Norse Mythology.)
A Legendary Battlefield in Asgard, located between Vanaheim and Alfheim, where the Endless War "Ragnarok" is supposed to take place.
Winter Evelynia
The eldest of the 4 Princesses, and Heir to the Evelynian Throne.
She is a Dragon Knight, and the only non-Draconist to ever master Dracomancy, which she learned during her time in Akushina.
She is the 2nd most Powerful Human Dracomancer, only outmatched by Ino Akusho, the Empress of Akushina.
She has also mastered Cryomancy (Ice Magic), and is also quite skilled at Physical Combat, as well.
Like her youngest Sister, Autumn, she is very fond of Dragons, and is (almost) as into Paleontology as she is.
She also enjoys Reading, especially about History, Religion, Mythology, Philosophy, and (of course) Paleontology.
Ever since she was little, she has had difficulty expressing normal Human Emotions, and regards Emotion as unnecessary (in general), preferring to look at things objectively.
(Somewhat similar to Vulcans, in Star Trek.)
She is close Friends with the Crystalline Dragon Cryofyrmythyr, as well as many people she met in Akushina.
She is the only Human Being who knows precisely who the members of the Union of The Snake are (as well as their true forms), and has been monitoring their actions as closely as possible, without arousing suspicion.
She possesses many Unique Abilities, most notably her Tuatara's Eye.
I believe I covered everything in these.
If anyone notices that I left anything important out, please let me know, thanks!