First of all, time sensitive things can be divided into 3 main categories: Things like Berries, that progressively change throughout the course of the day; Daily events, such as daily Battles or handouts; and Special daily events, that are affected more by alterations to the time in the DS/3DS internal clock.
Let me cover Berries first:
Essentially, if you want to make an adjustment to the internal clock, without disrupting Berry growth, all you have to do is pop into the game and save, before you adjust the clock, and then pop in again and save immediately thereafter.
If you do the same thing as with the Berries, it'll work just fine.
Additionally, if you actually want to stop the reset of everything that normally occurs at midnight every day (like if you forgot to check the Lottery or something), you can simply adjust the internal clock once without popping into the game first, and it will reset to the day when you had last saved, and all time sensitive things will be as they were then.
Now, things are more complicated for those "special daily events".
Starting with Join Avenue in B2/W2, certain daily events have a special 24 hour lockout that occurs, every time the internal clock is altered, or that you change systems.
In the Gen 6 and later games, all daily events work this way, but in Gen 5, it's just Join Avenue.
Know, it's difficult to circumvent this, but the solution is fairly simple, actually.
All you have to do is make sure you wait 24 hours from when you last saved before you pop in again.
Let me give an example:
Let's say I adjust the date on my 2DS at 1:00, to do some stuff on Paint, and that I log out at 4:00, and turn the date back.
If I popped into the game before I adjusted the date at 1:00, I can do all of the daily events for that day, and as long as I pop in after I adjust the clock back at 4:00, I can do the daily events for the next day, too, provided I wait until after 4:00 tomorrow.
(Due to the 24 hour lockout.)
Were I to pop into to do tomorrow's daily events before the lockout ends, nothing will have reset at midnight like normal, and I will miss out on all of the daily events for that day.
Used to do the join avenue trick a lot. Maxed out stores baby.
Which btw it takes a very long time to max out join avenue? I beat the game before I could even reach lvl 3 shops. But I guess join avenue is for late game easy EV training.
It takes WAY longer to do it before you complete the Game.
After you do, Gym Leaders start visiting Join Avenue (1 each day), and they give 1,000 Points to whatever Shop you send them to.
(Like regular Visitors, they each have certain types of Shops they're interested in, though.)
I'll probably do a Blog on Join Avenue eventually too, BTW.
(It's my favorite thing exclusive to Gen 5, aside from the PWT.)
As someone who has said I have max shops, I know xD. No need to explain more.
The gym leaders don't come guranteed each day though? I've only seen them on seemingly random days. source: experience.
Yep, you're right about them not showing up every day. (Just most days.)
And I assume you realize that you can trigger that week-long promotion thing again and again, by replacing 1 of the Shops, and working it back up to max Rank again, right?
(Doing that repeatedly is how I got the Super Rich Medal, lol!)
Aye I knew it. It’s more of a random chance imo.
I never did the promotion thing, because I just wanted to keep my two lucky draw shops, so I could always have a max chance at the master ball. Medals are worthless to me xD
I've got 3 of them, a Nursery, a Salon, a Restaurant, an Antique Shop (or whatever they call them), and the last one I keep changing, to get that 7 day promotion thing.
(I usually either go for a Maket or a Flower Shop with that one.)
I eventually wound up with 999 of (almost) everything they sell in the Market ones, BTW.
(Including Proteins, Calciums, etc.)
That’s a waste of a shop slot tbh xD I exclusively use it for EV training so I don’t care THAT much xD. I only need the bistro and the colosseum if anything.
Why bother buying 999 of anything other than proteins and the like is what Im asking, i like to save money cause I don’t have all day. XD
I currently have about 8 million in cash in White 2, and I keep the rest in the form of valuables, like those items.
(My total net worth is probably like 40 million or so, although I'm not 100% sure.)
Buying the discounted items at the Market and flipping them (along with those 12 Casteliacones you can buy everyday) can generate quite a bit of money over time. (And the 50% discount during that 7 day promotion helps, too.)
06 Feb 2020 00:04
In reply to Draconid_Jo
One small correction:
I just checked my Bag in White 2, and my Total Net Worth is (somewhere) over 50 million, not 40.
(It's a bit of a hassle to calculate though, lol.)
so i'm guessing turning forward time to do a lot of daily events in a single day, doesn't do anything?
29 Jan 2020 07:29
In reply to Gemini Guardian
Good question!
Actually it does, if done correctly.
It only works on the old style daily events (everything in Gen 4, and everything except Join Avenue in Gen 5), but if you set the clock just before midnight, and let it pass midnight while you're in-Game, it'll reset everything, and you could keep doing this do things (such as the Lottery) as often as you want in a single day.
In fact, I suspect this is why they added the lockout timer in later Games.
(Adjusting the internal clock is done as part of that RNG Manipulation stuff too, BTW.)