While there aren't many Rock-types that get Moves or Abilities that benefit from Sandstorms, you can always throw in some Ground-types (many of which do get such Abilities) and/or Steel-types, just like Steven Stone does.
(Even though he's more of a Steel-type Trainer than a Rock-type Trainer, I suppose.)
2. Offense
Rock is actually one of the best offensive Types there is, and it's Super Effective against Fire, Ice, Flying, and Bug-types, while you only have to worry about Fighting, Ground, and Steel-types.
Rock Blast is a slightly more accurate (albeit weaker) alternative to Stone Edge, with the added benefit of hitting the opponent multiple times (which can be handy sometimes), and while Rock Tomb and Smack Down aren't that strong, their secondary effects can sometimes be handy.
For those few Rock-types with higher Sp. Attack, you don't have many choices of Moves (Rock-type Moves, anyway), and it's basically just a choice between Ancient Power (my preference, due to that 10% chance of a Stats increase), or the slightly stronger Move, Power Gem.
In addition to the Sandstorm Strategy, and (typically) having a high Defense Stat, Rock-types also often have useful defensive Abilities, too.
Sturdy is an EXTREMELY useful Ability (in Gen 5 and beyond), and it's basically like having a built-in Focus Sash.
Solid Rock is another great Ability, which can be combined with damage reducing Berries to greatly reduce the damage taken by Super Effective Moves.
For example, Rhyperior takes 4× damage from Water or Grass-type Moves, but if it has Solid Rock, and is holding a Passho or Rindo Berry, the damage is only 1.5×, 62.5% less than normal.
While Rock-types may have good defensive Stats and Abilities, they have many weaknesses (Water, Grass, Fighting, Ground, and Steel), and it's not uncommon for these weaknesses to overlap with those of their secondary Types, which can be a MAJOR problem.