In the past few months, there has been a couple members causing a bit of problems and then deactivating, then reactivating again. As a result, the admins of Paint will now be enforcing a new rule.
Everyone will now be limited to 3 reactivations.
Once you've reached the limit, I will not be reactivating accounts. Additionally, if the limit is reached and the person makes an alt, it will be terminated.
To make it fair for everyone, everyone will start with a clean slate. Everyone gets 3 reactivations starting now. We will start tracking how many times an account has been deactivated.
There is one exception to this rule. Reactivation counts won't be counted in emergency situations. An example of an emergency situation is if a parent will severely punish a member for being on Paint. This has happened in the past so reactivations will not count for these types of situations. However, if this is abused, the member will lose ALL 3 reactivation counts and the next deactivation will be permanent.
I did not make this rule but a couple admins have proposed the idea, most of us have agreed to it, and I will be enforcing it. Please try not to deactivate too much. Instead, I suggest leaving your profile to Private. You can do this in Account Settings -> Privacy section -> Check the Account Box -> Save.