It has come to my attention that recently there's an ongoing conflict between some members in profiles. I have asked the other admins to keep an eye out on these members. I've also quietly investigated posts between these members on their profiles. Unfortunately, the more I look into the situation, the more complicated it gets. Neither side(s) are providing any consistent evidence of the others' alleged wrongdoings. So, I've decided give the affected parties a clean slate* instead of outright punishing them. However, if either parties continue to talk to each, there will be consequences, which may result in a permaban.
So, what should the affected members do? Don't talk to each other at all. Not one post. Not even a word. Admins will be keeping an eye on these members and should these members say even one word to the opposing side, expect consequences to follow.
Anyways, I hope we can put this conflict to an end. It's not good for the community. One advice I have for everyone is to simply walk away. Resist the urge to fight back. After all, are you seriously going to let someone hundreds of miles away control your emotions and risk getting permabanned from the site over a bunch of words? Don't let that happen. If do you feel the urge to fight, try to stay away from the site and do something else. Do anything to keep your mind off the site.
*When I mean by clean slate, I mean I'll ignore any posts between the conflicting members before this blog was made. I know some may consider this unfair but as I've said, neither side are providing any consistent evidence of the other and I don't want to pick sides.