Hello everyone it the time of year a THANK YOU NOTE
as we are struggling this time of year I would like you to have a happy healthy day. Since COVID Hit and that highschool started I had some time to write a thankyou note and during COVID I've been safe and hope you are too.
anyway let get to the thankyou note
acidAPPLE is a moderator on dsi paint
he is a good friend to have and very nice
he usually chillaxes at the homepage sometime so when he is on dm him saying hi.
Banjo2 is a cool friend to have he is also a moderator on the server and likes to talk sometime he is the coolest person I've ever meet.
AmericanHero999 is the funniest and craziest person I've ever met
Thi500 is kinda mean but I would add him here cause he is the best.
Gemini Guardian was the first person to welcome me to dsi paint
Hullbranche was the person who made dsi paint if it wasn't fr him I won't be here but I'm glad that he made dsi paint
skulheadface is a pollmin and he is cool.
yaynikki is awsome and he recommended me Grammarly for my blog
io is awesome as well he also likes to chat sometime
that's all for the thankyou note
now for the update
as of you seen dark soul we are revealing a new book with, new villain, plotwise, Romans (little bit TwT)
we will reveal the release date
OCTOBER 4 12:00pm
New community: we have a form up called Corrupted Memory Comunity page please type hello or something nice in the community
that's all for the update
one reaction:
that's all for today I hope your staying save and well and this is dsi gamer signing off for the day
It's off to the Gulag with you DsI gamer for disrepecting our supreme leader @HullBreach by misspelling his usernane and for missgendering our amazing bloglady @yaynikki !! >
04 Oct 2020 09:42
In reply to UwUQueen
He also misgendered @acidapple (although IIRC, I once did so in a chatroom myself, lol), and he left out me entirely. (Although I don't blame him for that, since I'm unfortunately not around very much these days.)
Seriously though, great blog! (And congrats on it being featured!)
04 Oct 2020 09:45
In reply to Draconid_Jo
Good find drac. For that you get extra rations this month
05 Oct 2020 04:32
In reply to UwUQueen
Lol, thanks!
04 Oct 2020 09:44
In reply to Draconid_Jo
All people who disliked my comment will be sentinced to 3 years hard labor camps.
Also, yeah... One more year for that onfraction too! XD
05 Oct 2020 04:33
In reply to UwUQueen
Don't worry, I'll always be here to like your comments.