"You are a wire strung too taut. One false move and you snap. You have to learn to relax and not overthink things."
- Master V
Hello there!
I missed my opportunity to write a Member Appreciation Day due to sheer lack of time, but, to be frank, I don't have much time, either. I'm just pounding this out because I resolved to do so many months back.
Granted, back then, I had a simpler life. I wasn't tackling any problems that would cause anxiety by merely mentioning it. Heck, my mental state now is nowhere as good as it was back then. Right now, I would say I'm barely treading water.
But that's where you guys come in. Thank goodness this tightly-knit community exists, where I can blow off some steam and set arbitrarily high scores in minigames to my heart's content. No matter the chaos or strife we endure, I admire that there's at least a select few that stick around to see out the future of this site.
There are a couple of people I want to directly shout out, those who have made an impact on my conscience ever since I joined this site:
banjo2: Banjo has just been there all the time, doing silent admin work. Or not, he's been a generally chill dude. Banjo is the kind of person you can consistently rely on amidst peculiar times, like that time when I was banned along with another user. Big thanks to him.
popuko115: Even though he joined slightly before me, I always saw him as an elder on this site. Perhaps it was his profile picture looking so sharp since early January, but I digress. Whenever he's online (which is rarer to see nowadays, unfortunately), he really adds a notable presence to the conversation. If he interacts, that is. He and his ">w<" faces have a special relationship, really.
...and Draconid_Jo: This man really goes above and beyond with what he does (or what he can do, really). Earlier this year, when he would often be online for hours at a time, Drac would just hang out and be a generally energetic guy. He's always a blast to have around, and I can easily consider him one of the closest people I have on this site. Moreover, his... situation is a constant reminder to be humble, and I admire his strength in the face of adversity.
Hang in there, Drac! I'd say you're a beacon in our community.
Of course, new faces are joining us every so often, and even fewer who stay for the long run. There are even a couple truly ancient accounts rising from the dead to say hi. My thanks go out to you as well; it's thanks to your efforts that our active member count is not suffering. It's outstanding to see this community still thrive 12 years after its inception. Maybe thrive is too generous, but you get the idea.
40 years ago, under the cover of night, this man would be born. Who knows what the next few will hold?
In the passing of this day, I hope to turn a new page in my chapter of life and find solace in a new future ahead. Hopefully, Paint will experience a Renaissance, just like I hope I will.
I hope you'll join me on my journey.
Thank you for all the birthday wishes, and here's to another great year ahead!
Happy belated birthday, and thanks for writing such a beautiful blog! (I wish that I could've been here for your birthday, though.)
I'd also like to thank you for mentioning me in it too, lol!
18 Oct 2020 17:40
In reply to Draconid_Jo
I wouldn't say beautiful; it's still rather raw, but thanks for the compliment anyway. And the birthday wishes :]
31 Oct 2020 07:20
In reply to GuiedGui
Oh, I completely forgot to give you a birthday cake before, lol! (Sorry about that.)
And I'm just REALLY into these kinda blogs, and the fact that it's a little "raw" in no way detracts from the beautiful sentiment of it. (Not for me, anyway.)
31 Oct 2020 07:24
In reply to Draconid_Jo
Haha, thanks. That image you use time and time again really doesn't get old.
And it's good to know that despite my sometimes imperfect language, my ideas still resonate with you. Thank you for the kind words!
01 Nov 2020 05:22
In reply to GuiedGui